


Name the process in which a harmful chemical enters the food chain and gets concentrated at each trophic level.


Biological Magnification.



Q 1.

How are most of the solid wastes in urban areas disposed of ?

Q 2.

What is pollution?

Q 3.

Why are some substances non- biodegradable? [Foreign]

Q 4.

What are the various steps of food chain called ?

Q 5.

If a harmful chemical enters a food chain comprising cat, mice and plants, which one of these organisms is likely to have the maximum concentration of the harmful chemical in its body ?

Q 6.

Name two predators of snakes in a food web operating in a forest ecosystem.

Q 7.

Write the full form of CFC. Give its one harmful effect.

Q 8.

How is the increase in demand for energy affecting our environment adversely?

Q 9.

What is the role of decomposers in the ecosystem? [Foreign]

Q 10.

What is the functional unit of the environment comprising of the living and non-living components called ?

Q 11.

Where does all the energy in living organisms originate from ?

Q 12.

Explain how harmful chemicals enter our bodies.

Q 13.

Name the various modes of waste disposal.

Q 14.

Why is ozone layer getting depleted at the higher levels of the atmosphere? [Delhi (C)]

Q 15.

Explain ‘biological magnification’ with the help of an example. [All India]

Q 16.

“Damage to the ozone layer is a cause for concern.” Justify this statement. Suggest any two steps to limit this damage. ‘ [Delhi]

Q 17.

What is the important function of presence of ozone in earth’s atmosphere? [Delhi]

Q 18.

Give an example to illustrate that indiscriminate use of pesticides may result-in the degradation of the environment. [All India]

Q 19.

Select two non-biodegradable substances from the following waste generated in a kitchen: spoilt food, paper bags, milk bags, vegetable peels, tin cans, used tea leaves. [Delhi]

Q 20.

Which of the following belong to the first trophic level of a food chain? Grass, Grasshopper, Plants, Rat, Tiger [Foreign]

Q 21.

What is a food chain?

Q 22.

Name two natural ecosystems and two artificial ecosystems.

Q 23.

Which one of the following is not a terrestial ecosystem ?
Forest, Grassland, Aquarium, Desert

Q 24.

What name has been given to those organisms which break down the complex organic compounds present in dead animals and plants ?

Q 25.

State whether the following statements are true or false :State whether the following statements are true or false :
(a) In biology, human beings are called producers.
(b) Secondary consumers and tertiary consumers, both are carnivores.

Q 26.

Name the organisms belonging to the second and the fourth trophic levels in the food chain comprising the following :
Frogs, Plants, Snakes, Hawk, Insects

Q 27.

Which organisms belong to third and fourth trophic levels in the food chain comprising the following ?
Rats, Plants, Hawk, Snakes

Q 28.

A food chain represents a unidirectional flow of X. What is X ?

Q 29.

(a) Define decomposers. Name one decomposer.
(b) What is the role of decomposers in the ecosystem ?

Q 30.

What is meant by a primary consumer, secondary consumer and a tertiary consumer ? Give one example of each.

Q 31.

What is the difference between the food habits of organisms belonging to the first and the third trophic levels ? Give one example each of the organisms belonging to these two trophic levels.

Q 32.

Can the organisms of any trophic level be removed without causing any damage to the ecosystem ? Will the impact of removing all the organisms in a trophic level be different for different trophic levels ?

Q 33.

Consider the food chain :
Grass → Deer → Lion
What will happen if all the lions are removed from the above food chain ?

Q 34.

We do not clean ponds or lakes but an aquarium needs to be cleaned periodically. Why ?

Q 35.

What will be the consequence of the absence of decomposers in the ecosystem ?

Q 36.

Write one or two words for each of the following statements/definitions :Write one or two words for each of the following statements/definitions :
(a) Each level of food chain where transfer of energy takes place
(b) The physical factors like temperature, rainfall, light, soil, air and water of an ecosystem
(c) Organisms which depend on the producers for food either directly or indirectly
(d) The physical and biological world where we live in
(e) Selfcontained unit of living things and their non-living environment needing only sunlight for its functioning

Q 37.

What percentage of the solar energy is trapped and utilised by the plants ?

Q 38.

Name the group of chemical compounds which damages the ozone layer.

Q 39.

If 5 joules of energy is available at producer level (plants), then how much energy will be transferred to the lion in the following food chain ? If 5 joules of energy is available at producer level (plants), then how much energy will be transferred to the lion in the following food chain ?
Plants —> Goat —> Lion

Q 40.

Why are there rarely more than five links (or five organisms) in a food chain ?

Q 41.

What are the causes of depletion of ozone layer ? Which diseases are likely to be caused if the ozone layer will become thinner ?

Q 42.

What is garbage ? What does garbage consist of ?

Q 43.

Give a method for the disposal of household wastes such as left-over food, fruit and vegetable peels, and leaves of potted plants.

Q 44.

What is meant by incineration ? For what purpose is it used ?

Q 45.

State two advantages of using disposable paper cups over disposable plastic cups.

Q 46.

What is sewage ? How is sewage disposed of ?

Q 47.

(a) With the help of a flow diagram, describe how energy from the sun flows through various trophic levels.
(b) Explain why, the flow of energy in the ecosystem is said to be unidirectional.

Q 48.

Why is improper disposal of waste a curse to environment?

Q 49.

What are the advantages of cloth bags over plastic bags during shopping?

Q 50.

We do not clean ponds or lakes, but an aquarium needs to be cleaned. Why?