In which of the following case do you think the long-term effects on your health are likely to be most unpleasant? a. if you get jaundice, b. if you get lice, c. if you get acne. Why?
(a) Jaundice is a chronic disease in which liver is affected. Jaundice has long-term effects on the body. It will take a long time to recover. (b) Lice can be treated easily and have short-term effect on our health. (c) Acne may exist for a longer time but do not have any adverse effect on our health.
Why Do We Fall Ill?
Q 1.
Give the modes of transmission of each of the following diseases :
(i) Syphilis (ii) Tuberculosis (iii) Jaundice (iv) Japanese encephalitis [SAII -2012]
Q 2.
Conduct a survey in your neighbourhood to find out what the three most common diseases are. Suggest three steps that could be taken by your local authorities to bring down the incidence of these diseases.
Q 3.
Give three examples of bacterial diseases.
Q 4.
What are antibodies?
Q 5.
What do you mean by immune response ? , [SAII – 2014]
Q 6.
List any three reasons why you would think that you are sick and ought to see a doctor. If only one of these symptoms were present, would you still go to the doctor ? Why or why not ?
Q 7.
Many vaccines form the public health programme of childhood immunisation for preventing infectious disease. Name any two such diseases.
Q 8.
What is an antibiotic ? Give its one example.
Q 9.
State any two conditions essential for good health.
Q 10.
What are acquired diseases?
Q 11.
Classify the following diseases as infectious or non-infectious :
(a) AIDS (b) Tuberculosis
(c) Cholera (d) High blood pressure
(e) Heart disease (f) Pneumonia
(g) Cancer
Q 12.
In which of the following case do you think the long-term effects on your health are likely to be most unpleasant? a. if you get jaundice, b. if you get lice, c. if you get acne. Why?
Q 13.
Name any two diseases which are caused due to unprotected sexual intercourse.
Q 14.
Name two diseases caused by Protozoans. What are their causal organisms ?
Q 15.
You have suffered from chickenpox, when you were in class three. Why will you not suffer from it again ? [SAII -2014]
Q 16.
Differentiate between Acute Diseases and Chronic Diseases.
Q 17.
List the diseases caused by viruses?
Q 18.
Name the microbe which causes acne.
Q 19.
Majority of children in many parts of India are already immune to Hepatitis A by the time they are five years old. Why ?
Q 20.
A doctor/nurse/health-worker is exposed to more sick people than others in the community.
Find out how she/he avoids getting sick herself/himself.
Q 21.
What is a disease ? How many types of diseases have you studied ? Give examples.
Q 22.
What are the immunisation programmes available at the nearest health centre in your locality? Which of these diseases are the major health problems in your area ?
Q 23.
Becoming exposed to or infected with an infectious microbe (toes not necessarily mean developing noticeable disease. Explain.
Q 24.
Give examples of fungal diseases.
Q 25.
List the diseases caused by worms?
Q 26.
What are the different means by which infectious diseases are spread?
Q 27.
(i) Which bacterium causes peptic ulcers ?
(ii) Who discovered the above pathogen for the first time ?
Q 28.
Name any four diseases transmitted through vectors.
Q 29.
How can we prevent water borne and vector borne infections ?
Q 30.
State any two conditions essential for being free of disease.
Q 31.
How many times did you fall ill in the last one year ? What were the illnesses ? (a) Think of one change you could make in your habits in order to avoid any/most of the above illnesses.
(b) Think of one change you would wish for in your surroundings in order to avoid any/most of the above illnesses.
Q 32.
What precautions will you take to justify “prevention is better than cure” ?
Q 33.
What are congenital diseases? Give two examples of such disease.
Q 34.
List any two differences between infectious and non-infectious diseases. Write any one example of each disease.
Q 35.
How do antibiotics (say Penicillin) work on bacteria but not on human beings?
Q 36.
What is the alternate name of brain fever? Which vector is responsible for this disease?
Q 37.
What precautions can you take in your school to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases?
Q 38.
What is immunisation?
Q 39.
What is colostrum? Why is mother's milk strongly advised to newborns?
Q 40.
Why is it not necessary to give Hepatitis A vaccine to children?
Q 41.
Why do people staying in air-conditioned homes/offices catch cold more often?
Q 42.
Name any two groups of microorganisms from which antibiotics could be extracted.
Q 43.
List any four essential factors that must be taken icare of by an individual for keeping good health.
Q 44.
What do signs and symptoms indicate if a person is suffering from any disease ? [SAII -2014]
Q 45.
State any two conditions essential for good health. [SAII-2014]
Q 46.
What are the different means by which infectious diseases are spread ? [SAII – 2011, 2013]
Q 47.
Under which of the following conditions is a person most likely to fall sick ?
(a) When she is recovering from malaria.
(b) When she has recovered from malaria and is taking care of someone suffering from
(c) When she is on a four-day fast after recovering from malaria and is taking care of someone suffering from chickenpox. Why ?
Q 48.
Why are antibiotics not effective for viral disease ?
Q 49.
What are the different means by which infectious diseases are spread ?
Q 50.
Define Health? What do you interpret when we say a person is in good health?