
Introduction to Microeconomics


PPC is concave shaped as production of one good can be increased only by reducing quantity of another good.


False: PPC is concave shaped due to increasing marginal opportunity cost.


Introduction to Microeconomics

Q 1.

Give two examples of underutilisation of resources.

Q 2.

Name any three variables of macroeconomics.

Q 3.

Define Marginal Opportunity Cost.[AI 2008]

Q 4.

If a PPF shifts to the right, the new PPF will be parallel to the original.

Q 5.

What is economics?

Q 6.

What is meant by economising of resources? [CBSE 2003]

Q 7.

Give two examples of growth of resources.

Q 8.

Why is it that on one hand coal is found in plenty, yet it is scarce while on the other, a rotten vegetable is rare but not scarce?

Q 9.

What is meant by economy?

Q 10.

The government has started promoting foreign capital. What is its economic value in the context of Production Possibilities Frontier?

Q 11.

Which type of science is economics?

Q 12.

Why do all economies have similar central problems?

Q 13.

Give one/two examples of microeconomics study.[CBSE 2004C, 09, 09C, 11C;AI 2004, 05, 07, 11]
Name any three variables of micro-economics.

Q 14.

Why does an economic problem arise? [CBSE 2007]
What gives rise to an economic problem? [CBSE, Sample Paper 2008] Or
Why does the problem of choice arise? [CBSE 2004]

Q 15.

Growth of resources shifts PPC towards left.

Q 16.

India is a labour abundance and capital scarce economy. Which technique of production should be used to produce the commodity?

Q 17.

Giving reason comment on the shape of Production Possibilities Curve based on the following schedule.

Q 18.

State any two central problems under ‘problem of allocation of resources’.[CBSE Sample Paper 2016]

Q 19.

Although water is useful, yet it is cheap. On the contrary, diamond is not much of use, still it is very expensive. Give an economic reason for this paradox.

Q 20.

A teacher is getting Rs 6,000 per month as salary. If he leaves the job and starts tuition work, he is expected to earn Rs 5,000 per month. What would be his opportunity cost?

Q 21.

Define Opportunity Cost. [CBSE 2007]
Give the meaning of  Opportunity Cost'. [CBSE 2008, 09]

Q 22.

Define microeconomics.[CBSE 2007C; AI 2005, 2012]
Give the meaning of microeconomics.[CBSE 2009]

Q 23.

If the economy operates inside PPC, it shows full utilisation of resources.

Q 24.

In an underdeveloped economy why there is the need of efficient utilization of resources?

Q 25.

State any three assumptions on which a production possibilities curve is based. [CBSE 2013 Q]

Q 26.

Economy can never operate outside PPC with the given resources and technology.

Q 27.

What is likely to be the impact of Make in India' appeal to the foreign investors by the Prime Minister of India, on the production possibilities frontiers of India? Explain.

Q 28.

Production in an economy is below to its potentiality due to unemployment. Government starts employment generation schemes. Explain its effects by using production possibility curve.

Q 29.

State two features of resources that give rise to an economic problem.

Q 30.

Give reasons for the following statements:

  1. Every economy has to make the decision relating to what to produce.
  2. Problem of choice arises because available resources have alternative uses.

Q 31.

Economic problem arises due to plenty of resources.

Q 32.

Because of destruction caused by war, a country's PPF will shift to the left.

Q 33.

Why is production possibility curve also called opportunity cost curve?

Q 34.

What is the basic reason for economic problem in all economies?

Q 35.

What does a rightward shift of production possibility curve indicate?[CBSE 2007]

Q 36.

Define Marginal Rate of Transformation (MRT). [CBSE 2012]

Q 37.

Why PPC is concave to the point of origin? [CBSE 2011, AI 2007]

Q 38.

State the central problems of an economy. [CBSE Sample Paper 2014]

Q 39.

Define Production Possibility Curve and state its properties.[CBSE, All India 2013 C]

Q 40.

A Production Possibility Frontier' (PPF) is always represented as a upward sloping curve.

Q 41.

As water resources are limited in our country, how can we economise the water resources so that it could not cause a future problem for us? Give any two suggestions.

Q 42.

A farmer is getting more profit by producing opium rather than that of wheat. In situation of famine which crop should be produced?

Q 43.

Discuss the central problems of an economy.

Q 44.

What do you mean by the production possibilities of an economy?

Q 45.

What is a production possibility frontier?

Q 46.

Economy always operates on PPC.

Q 47.

Large number of technical training institutions have been started by the government. State its economic value in the context of production possibility frontier.

Q 48.

Name the economic value achievable when attempts are made to increase resources in the country.

Q 49.

What is likely to be the impact of efforts towards reducing unemployment on the production potential of the economy? Explain.

Q 50.

Giving reason comment on the shape of Production Possibilities curve based on the following schedule.