


India is a federal country.' Explain by giving examples.[CBSE Sept. 2012, 2013]
Explain the three fold distribution of legislative powers between the Union Government and the State Governments.
Mention any five main features which make India a federal country. [CBSE 2013]


(i) Division of powers : The Constitution demarcates the powers of the central and the state governments into different lists of subjects. There are three lists :
(i) Union List.
(ii) State List.
(iii) Concurrent List.
(ii) Three-tier system : As discussed earlier, under a federal government different tiers of the government govern the same citizens. This is true for India. In India, we have a three-tier system of government, i.e.,
• Union Government
• State Government
• Local Self-Government.
(iii) Not equal powers to all administrative units : Most of the federations that are formed by ‘holding together' do not give equal powers to its constituent units. Thus, all states in the Indian Union do not have identical powers. Some states enjoy a special status. Jammu and Kashmir has its own Constitution. Many provisions of the Indian Constitution are not applicable to this state without the permission of the state assembly.
(iv) Consent of both the levels of the government : Under a federal government, the fundamental provisions cannot be unilaterally changed by one level of the government, and the same is true for India. The Parliament cannot on its own change the fundamental structure of the Constitution.
implementation of constitutional provisions and procedures. The same is true for India. In case of any dispute about the division of powers, the High Courts and the Supreme Court take a decision.
(vi) Separate sources of income : A clear mention regarding the financial powers of the centre and the states has been made in the Indian Constitution. Income tax, excise duty, corporation tax, etc., are levied and collected by the central government, whereas land revenue, stamp duty, building tax, etc., come under the state government.



Q 1.

Categorise the following under Union list or Concurrent list.
(i) Currency (ii) Education

Q 2.

What are Union Territories ?

Q 3.

Who governs the Union Territories ?

Q 4.

Mention any four difficulties of the local government in India. [CBSE Comp. (O) 2008, Sept. 2010, 14]

Q 5.

Mention any two subjects which are r included in the union list. Explain by giving reasons why these are included in  the union list.

Q 6.

How many languages have been recognised as scheduled languages?

Q 7.

How are village Sarpanch or Panches elected?

Q 8.

Who is a Mayor ?

Q 9.

Name an Indian state which enjoys a special status.

Q 10.

What is Gram Panchayat ?

Q 11.

What is federalism ? [CBSE 2014]

Q 12.

There are two kinds of routes through which federations have been formed.' Name the two routes by giving one example of each.

Q 13.

Which law will remain prevalent if there is any conflict over a subject mentioned in the Concurrent list?

Q 14.

What is a Union List ?

Q 15.

Mention any four features of federalism. [CBSE 2008, 2009 (O), Sept. 2010, 2011, 2012]
Explain four features of the federal form of government. [CBSE 2008 Comp. (O) (D)]

Q 16.

What is Panchayat Samiti ?

Q 17.

What is Zila Parishad ?

Q 18.

Mention the three tier system prevailing in India.

Q 19.

Which two languages have been identified as the official languages? [CBSE 2014]

Q 20.

The sharing of power between the Union government and the state governments is basic to the structure of the Indian Constitution'. Explain.

Q 21.

What is Gram Sabha ? Mention its functions.

Q 22.

What are the advantages of local governments ? [CBSE Sept. 2010]

Q 23.

Name any two examples of coming together federation. [CBSE 2014]

Q 24.

What is a State List ?

Q 25.

Explain the major key features of federalism.
Describe any four features of the federalism. [CBSE 2011, 14]

Q 26.

Name any two holding together federation. [CBSE 2014]

Q 27.

What is Unitary Government ?

Q 28.

Critically analyse the Centre-State relations prior to 1990 and after. [CBSE 2013]

Q 29.

Mention any two features of federalism.

Q 30.

What is decentralisation ? [CBSE 2014]

Q 31.

Restructuring the Centre-State relations is an important way in which the Indian Federalism has been strengthened in practice.' Explain.

Q 32.

Mention any four major values which are reflected by federalism in India.

Q 33.

How judiciary acts as an umpire in a federal nation?

Q 34.

"Local governments have made a significant impact on Indian democracy. At the same time there are many difficulties."Explain. [CBSE 2012]

Q 35.

How had federalism helped Belgium to solve the ethnic problem ?

Q 36.

Some subjects have been mentioned below. Categorise them into Union List, State List and Concurrent List.
(i) Education (ii) Currency (iii) Police (iv) Forest (v) Banking (vi) Communication

Q 37.

"Federal power sharing is more effective today than it was in the early years after the Constitution came into force". Explain.
How is federal power sharing more effective today than in the early years ? Explain.

Q 38.

"There is a need for power sharing within the states". Explain.

Q 39.

Why were the linguistic states created? What are their advantages ? [CBSE 2008 (Compt)]

Q 40.

Name the three tier government system in India. What steps have been taken by the government to make the third tier more powerful and effective ? [CBSE 2008(0)]
How has the third tier of government in our country been made more effective and powerful by the Constitutional Amendment of 1992 ? [CBSE Sept. 2010]
Explain any four provisions that have been made towards decentralisation in India after the constitutional amendment in 1992. [CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011, 2012]

Q 41.

Explain the advantages of decentrali ¬sation. [CBSE Sept. 2010, 14]
Or .
Explain any four features of the third tier of government. [CBSE Sept. 2011]
Explain how the federal experiment has been successful in the matter of formation of states in India. [CBSE Sept. 2010]
Give two arguments in favour of decentralisation of powers to local governments. Give two provisions under the amendment of 1992 which empowers local governments in India. [CBSE Sept. 2011]
Assess the need for local government. [CBSE 2012, 14]

Q 42.

What is a Concurrent List ?

Q 43.

How is the Indian federal system different from that of Sri Lanka ? Explain by giving three examples.

Q 44.

What is the rationale for decentralization of power ? Describe the functions of Rural Local Government. [CBSE 2013]

Q 45.

Mention any three social or political values reflected by federalism.

Q 46.

Explain the values reflected by the principle of decentralisation in India.

Q 47.

"Belgium shifted from a unitary to a federal form of government". What key changes were brought in the political system under the above mentioned shift ?

Q 48.

All states in the Indian Union do not have identical powers. Justify. –

Q 49.

Explain two achievements and two difficulties of the Icoal self-governments in India. [CBSE Comp. (O) 2008, Sept. 2011, 14]

Q 50.

What is a Panchayati Raj ? What is its importance ? [CBSE 2008 (F)]