
Democracy and Diversity


Explain the reasons of social differences. [CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011, 2012]
Why do social differences emerge in society ? [CBSE 2014]


(i) Birth : Birth is the most important factor which is responsible for social differences. A person in India is considered of a low caste because of his birth in the lower class family. A Black is discriminated from White because of his colour which is once again controlled by birth.
(ii) Differences based on choice : Some of the differences are based on our choices. For example, some people are atheists. They don't believe in God or any religion. Differences also occur because of choice of occupation. Differences occur among the people because of different professions and economic activities also.
(iii) Differences based on religion:
Sometimes religion can be one of the causes of social differences. It is fairly common for people belonging to the same religion to feel that they do not belong to the same community because their caste or sect is very different.
(iv) Differences based on economic status : Economic status can also be responsible for social differences. Rich and poor people belonging to the same community or religion or sect often do not keep close relations with each other as they feel that they are very different. ‘
(v) Differences based on caste/color : In many regions of the world people are differentiated on the basis of caste or colour. For example, in United States and South Africa Blacks were discriminated because of their skin color.


Democracy and Diversity

Q 1.

In a democracy, political expression of social divisions is very normal, and can be healthy. ' Explain. [CBSE 2014]
How is political expression of social divisions in democracy beneficial ? [CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011]
"Assertion of social diversities in a country need not be seen as a source of danger."Explain. [CBSE 2010]

Q 2.

What was Civil Rights Movement ?

Q 3.

Taking the examples at Carlos, Smith and Norman, explain how social differences divide similar people from one another but also unite very different people ?  [CBSE Sept. 2012]

Q 4.

What was the Black Power Movement ?

Q 5.

When does a social difference become a social division?

Q 6.

Overlapping social differences create possibilities of deep social divisions and tensions.' Explain. [CBSE Sept. 2012]

Q 7.

Reaction of the government to the demands of different groups is a crucial factor in determining the outcome of social divisions". Explain the statements.

Q 8.

What did Peter Norman do to show his support to the two American athletes ? What action was taken against him for his action ?

Q 9.

Give one example to show that we all have more than one identity and can belong to more than one social group.

Q 10.

What was Black Power Movement ? How was it different from the Civil Rights Movement ?
Who was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement in USA ? Explain the importance of this movement. [CBSE 2013]

Q 11.

Who led the Civil rights movement in the USA?

Q 12.

Mention any two factors responsible for origin of social differences.

Q 13.

Which kind of social differences create possibilities of deep social divisions and tensions ?

Q 14.

History shows that democracy is the best way to fight for recognition and also to accommodate diversity.''Justify.

Q 15.

What is migration ? What is its impact ?

Q 16.

How did the three athletes, Tommie Smith, Johan Carlos and Peter Norman contribute to the Civil Rights Movements in US ? [CBSE 2010]

Q 17.

Who were African-American ?

Q 18.

Explain the overlapping and cross-cutting differences. [CBSE Sept. 2012]
Explain the cross-cutting differences with suitable examples. [CBSE 2012]

Q 19.

Assertion of social diversities in a country need not be seen as a source of danger". Explain.

Q 20.

Why do some people belonging to the same religion often feel that they do not belong to the same community ?
[CBSE 2009 (D)]

Q 21.

What Is ethnic composition of Northern Netherland ?

Q 22.

What difference does migration make to social homogeneity?

Q 23.

What are cross-cutting social differences ?

Q 24.

Hie combination of politics and social divisions is very dangerous and explosive as it may lead to conflict, violence or even disintegration of a country."Give one example.

Q 25.

How are the social divisions reflected in politics ? Explain.

Q 26.

Explain the Civil Rights Movement in the USA.  [CBSE 2014]

Q 27.

How are social divisions reflected in a democratic country ? Explain.

Q 28.

How do marginalised and deprived people react to social injustice ? Explain. [CBSE 2013]

Q 29.

What type of society exists in Sweden and Germany ? [CBSE Comp. (O) 2008]

Q 30.

We all have more than one identity and can belong to more than one social group."Discuss the statement with suitable examples. [CBSE Sept. 2010]
Explain the statement we have different identities in different contexts'. [CBSE 2011]

Q 31.

The medal ceremony of 1968 Mexico Olympic became a historical landmark. Explain by giving examples.

Q 32.

How far do you agree with the statement that all social differences are not always an accident ? Why are most countries emerging as multi-cultural countries ?
All kinds of social differences are not based on accident of birth. [CBSE 2014]

Q 33.

The silver medallist (Mexico Olympic 1968) Peter Norman wore a human rights badge on his shirt during the medal ceremony". Give reason.

Q 34.

Social divisions of one kind or another exist in most countries.' Explain. [CBSE Sept. 2011, 2012]
When does a social difference become a social division ? Explain any three situations. [CBSE 2013]

Q 35.

___________ social differences create possibilities of deep social divisions and tensions. ____________ social differences do not usually lead to conflicts.

Q 36.

When does a social difference become a social division? Suggest any two ways to check it.

Q 37.

Every social difference does not lead to social division."Explain the statement. Suggest any two ways so that social differences do not lead to social divisions.

Q 38.

What are the three important factors in the outcome of politics of social divisions?

Q 39.

Give two examples to show that political competition along religious and ethnic lines can lead to disintegration.

Q 40.

The combination of politics and social divisions is very dangerous and explosive. It can make social divisions into political divisions and lead to conflict, violence or even disintegration of a country."Justify. [CBSE 2008, 2013]
Explain with special reference to Northern Ireland the ways in which social divisions have resulted in violent and bitter ethno-political conflict. [CBSE 2013]

Q 41.

What is homogeneous society ? Give two examples.

Q 42.

Mention two similarities between Tommie Smith and John Carlos. [CBSE 2009 (D), 14]

Q 43.

Explain the reasons of social differences. [CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011, 2012]
Why do social differences emerge in society ? [CBSE 2014]

Q 44.

What moral values you have learnt from the action of Tommie Smith, John Carlos and Peter Norman ?

Q 45.

Discuss the role of political parties in the determination of the outcomes of social division. [CBSE 2013]

Q 46.

What action was taken against the athletes who raised the Civil Rights issue at Mexico Olympics ?

Q 47.

Social diversities in a country need not be seen as a source of danger. Discuss.

Q 48.

Most of the social differences are based on accident of birth'. Explain.

Q 49.

What action was taken by International Olympic Association against each of the three Olympians, Carlos, Smith and Norman Peter ? [CBSE 2013]

Q 50.

Why Tommie Smith and John Carlos received their medals wearing black socks and no shoes ?