
Management of Natural Resources


In the context of conservation of natural resources, explain the terms reduce, recycle and reuse. From among the materials that we use in daily life, identify two materials for each category.


Reduce means to use materials in lesser quantity, e.g. electricity and water. Recycle means a material that is used once is collected and sent back to a manufacturer so that they can make some other useful material from it, e.g. plastic cups and buckets, glass tumbler, paper. Reuse means using a thing over and over again instead of throwing it away, e.g. used envelopes, plastic bottles of jam or pickle.


Management of Natural Resources

Q 1.

Suggest any four changes that you would like to incorporate in the life style of students of your age to move towards a sustainable use of available resources. [All India Delhi 2008(C)]

Q 2.

List any four disadvantages of using fossil fuels for the production of energy. [All India]

Q 3.

How would these advantages differ from the advantages of using a long-term perspective in managing our resources?

Q 4.

Is water conservation necessary ? Give reasons.

Q 5.

Name the products of combustion of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum products. How do they affect us and our environment ?

Q 6.

Write the full names of (a) CFL, and (b) CFC.

Q 7.

Give two examples each of the following:

  1. Renewable sources of energy
  2. Non-renewable sources of energy. [All India]

Q 8.

What is the main purpose of rainwater harvesting ?

Q 9.

Name any four categories of people who depend on the forest resources, mentioning major needs of each category. [Foreign]

Q 10.

What are non-renewable resources of energy? Give two examples of such resources. [Delhi]

Q 11.

What is silviculture ? What are its advantages ?

Q 12.

What are the three R’s to save the environment ? Explain with one example of each.

Q 13.

Why are forests considered “biodiversity hot spots”? List two ways in which an individual can effectively contribute to the management of forests and wildlife. [Foreign; All India 2010]

Q 14.

What changes can you make in your habits to become more environment-friendly?

Q 15.

List any four characteristics of a good fuel. [Delhi]

Q 16.


  1. Biomass
  2. Anaerobic degradation [Foreign]

Q 17.

What is an equitable distribution of resources in a society and why is it necessary? State any two factors which work against an equitable distribution of resources. [Foreign]

Q 18.

State the meaning of “sustainable management”. Reuse is better than recycling. How? [Foreign]

Q 19.

How did ‘Chipko Andolan’ ultimately benefit the local people? Describe briefly. [Foreign]

Q 20.

Name two fossil fuels.

Q 21.

Name two factors which can be used to find whether river water has been contaminated.

Q 22.

Name the bacteria whose presence in water indicates the contamination with disease-causing micro-organisms.

Q 23.

Which fossil fuel is conserved :Which fossil fuel is conserved :
(a) when we save on electricity ?
(b) when we use bicycle for covering short distances instead of a motorbike ?

Q 24.

Name the person who is most remembered for the protection of Khejri trees in Rajasthan.

Q 25.

Name a clean gaseous fuel other than LPG and natural gas.

Q 26.

Write a short note on ‘Chipko Andolan’ (Hug the Trees Movement).

Q 27.

What measures would you take to conserve electricity in your house ?

Q 28.

What are the main uses of coal and petroleum products ?

Q 29.

Explain briefly, how rainwater harvesting is done from open spaces around the buildings in city areas.

Q 30.

(a) What is meant by rainwater harvesting ? Name some of the ancient structures used for rainwater harvesting by the rural people.
(b) What are the various advantages of water stored in ground ?

Q 31.

(a) Locate and name the water reservoirs in figures (a) and (b).
(b) Which has an advantage over the other and why?

Q 32.

What would be the advantages of exploiting resources with short-term aims?

Q 33.

Suggest some approaches towards the conservation of forests.

Q 34.

Why must we conserve our forests? List any two causes for deforestation to take place. [Delhi]

Q 35.

An environmentalist on visit to your school suggested the use of three R’s to save the environment. Explain what he meant by three R’s and how you would follow his advice at home. [All India]

Q 36.

What is meant by wildlife? How is wildlife important for us? [Foreign]

Q 37.

What is meant by exploitation of resources with short-term aims? List its four advantages. [Delhi(C)]

Q 38.

State any four personal choices you would like to make to reduce energy consumption without affecting the quality of life or work explaining how each one of them would help you to do so. [Foreign]

Q 39.

List four advantages of water stored in the ground. [Delhi]

Q 40.

Name the major programme started to replenish forests.

Q 41.

Apart from the availability of forest products, name two other things which are affected by the destruction of forests.

Q 42.

State whether the following statement is true or false :
Chipko Andolan was associated with the conservation of wild animals such as tigers and lions.

Q 43.

Choose one term from the following which include all others :
coal, natural gas, fossil fuels, petroleum

Q 44.

What is meant by “sustainable development” ?

Q 45.

Why should we conserve forests and wildlife ?

Q 46.

Why should fossil fuels like coal and petroleum be used judiciously ?

Q 47.

State any five steps to reduce the consumption of coal and petroleum products.

Q 48.

Explain why, despite good rains, we are not able to meet the demand for water of all the people in our country.

Q 49.

(a) What is a natural resource ? Name three important natural resources.
(b) Why do we need to manage our natural resources ?

Q 50.

List two advantages associated with water harvesting at the community level.