
Why Do We Fall Ill?


Why it is advisable to breast feed the baby for first few several weeks?


Infants or babies after birth do not have strong immune system. The colostrum or mother's milk contains many antibodies which provide passive immunity to the babies. Therefore it is advisable to breast feed the baby for first few several weeks.

Why Do We Fall Ill?

Q 1.

Under which of the following conditions are you most likely to fall sick ?
(a) when you are taking examinations.
(b) when you have travelled by bus and train for two days.
(c) when your friend is suffering from measles. Why ?

Q 2.

State any two conditions essential for being free of disease.

Q 3.

Give examples of fungal diseases.

Q 4.

Are the answers to the above questions (Q2 and Q5) and necessarily the same or different? Why?

Q 5.

Give four examples of Chronic diseases.

Q 6.

What is the alternate name of brain fever? Which vector is responsible for this disease?

Q 7.

Why are antibiotics not effective for viral disease ?

Q 8.

Why are we normally advised to take bland and nourishing food when we are sick?

Q 9.

What is antigen?

Q 10.

What is an antibiotic ? Give its one example.

Q 11.

What are the immunisation programmes available at the nearest health centre in your locality? Which of these diseases are the major health problems in your area ?

Q 12.

Name a disease which was earlier considered to be chronic but now can be treated in short duration?

Q 13.

What are acquired diseases?

Q 14.

What do you mean by Phagocytosis?

Q 15.

Define antibiotic? Explain how it is able to control bacterial infections but not viral infections.

Q 16.

What is immunisation?

Q 17.

How do Skin, Hairs, Saliva form the first line of defence against diseases?

Q 18.

State any two conditions essential for being free of disease.

Q 19.

Why Colostrum is good for infants?

Q 20.

Differentiate between allergy and autoimmune diseases.

Q 21.

Why are we advised to take blend and nourishing food when we are sick ?

Q 22.

List any three reasons why you would think that you are sick and ought to see a doctor. If only one of these symptoms were present, would you still go to the doctor ? Why or why not ?

Q 23.

What are the different means by which infectious diseases are spread ? [SAII – 2011, 2013]

Q 24.

(a) What is immunisation ?
(b) Define immunity and vaccination.
(c) Define vaccine. .
(d) What type of diseases can be prevented through vaccination ? [SAII -2013]

Q 25.

Differentiate between Acute Diseases and Chronic Diseases.

Q 26.

What are congenital diseases? Give two examples of such disease.

Q 27.

Name the diseases that can spread through housefly.

Q 28.

What are antibodies?

Q 29.

How many times did you fall ill in the last one year ? What were the illnesses ?  (a) Think of one change you could make in your habits in order to avoid any/most of the above illnesses.
(b) Think of one change you would wish for in your surroundings in order  to avoid any/most of the above illnesses.

Q 30.

Classify the following diseases as infectious or non-infectious :
(a) AIDS                        (b) Tuberculosis
(c) Cholera                  (d) High blood pressure
(e) Heart disease       (f) Pneumonia
(g) Cancer

Q 31.

What is a disease ? How many types of diseases have you studied ? Give examples.

Q 32.

Is there any difference between 'being healthy' and 'disease free'?

Q 33.

Give three examples of bacterial diseases.

Q 34.

Why is it important that we think of these categories of infectious agents?

Q 35.

A doctor/nurse/health-worker is exposed to more sick people than others in the community. Find out how she/he avoids getting sick herself/himself.

Q 36.

Why are kids and elderly people more vulnerable to cold/flu?

Q 37.

Write differences between 'Being Healthy' and 'Disease Free'.

Q 38.

What is inflammation ? Write the symptoms of this in human body.

Q 39.

Name the target organs for the following diseases :
(a) Hepatitis targets…………
(b) Fits or unconsciousness targets…………
(c) Pneumonia targets…………
(d) Fungal disease targets…………

Q 40.

Give examples of Acute diseases.

Q 41.

List the diseases caused by viruses?

Q 42.

List the diseases caused by worms?

Q 43.

What are the immunisation programmes available at the nearest health centre in your locality? Which of these diseases are the major health problems in your area?

Q 44.

(a) What are epidemic and endemic diseases? (b) Which organ is affected if a person is suffering from jaundice?

Q 45.

Why it is advisable to breast feed the baby for first few several weeks?

Q 46.

(i) What is an epidemic disease ?
(ii) Which organ is affected if a person is suffering from jaundice ?

Q 47.

(i) What are the various ways to prevent the diseases ?
(ii) What is immunisation ?

Q 48.

In which of the following case do you think the long-term effects on your health are likely to be most unpleasant ?

  •  if you get jaundice ?
  •  if you get lice ?
  •  if you get acne. Why ?


Q 49.

A baby is not able to tell her / his caretakers that she / he is sick. What would help us to find out:
(a) that the baby is sick ?
(b) what is the sickness ?

Q 50.

What do you mean by active and passive immunisation ? [SAll – 2015]