
Natural Resources


List the four zones of the atmosphere.


Four zones of atmosphere are:
  1. Tropospshere
  2. Stratosphere
  3. Mesospshere
  4. Thermospshere

Natural Resources

Q 1.

Fill In the Blanks :
The life-supporting zone of the Earth where the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere interact and make life possible, is known as the ____________.

Q 2.

What is lithosphere?

Q 3.

Fill In the Blanks :
The eggs and larvae of various aquatic animals are particularly susceptible to _____________ changes.

Q 4.

How does the atmosphere act as a blanket?

Q 5.

Name two diseases caused due to an increased content of pollutants in the air produced due to the burning of fossil fuels.

Q 6.

What is hydrosphere?

Q 7.

How do fossil fuel cause air pollution?

Q 8.

Fill In the Blanks :
The fossil fuels like coal and petroleum contain small amounts of __________ and __________ which are primarily responsible for acid rain.

Q 9.

Fill In the Blanks :
The life-supporting zone of the Earth where the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere interact and make life possible. ________

Q 10.

Fill In the Blanks :
The cyclic transformation of chemicals through interacting biological, geological and chemical processes that causes transfer of energy and matter amid the various components of the biosphere, leading to a balance between them. ________

Q 11.

Fill In the Blanks :
Control of water and electrolyte balance in the body. ________

Q 12.

Fill In the Blanks :
An increase in the content of these harmful substances in air is called ________ ?

Q 13.

Fill In the Blanks :
The living components of the environment. ________

Q 14.

What is atmosphere?

Q 15.

Water is known as "A Wonder Liquid". Justify this statement by giving any two reasons.

Q 16.

What is meant by depletion of ozone layer? Mention one important feature of ozone in atmosphere. Identify the factors responsible for the formation of ozone hole.

Q 17.

Fill In the Blanks :
The mass of air surrounding the Earth. ________

Q 18.

Fill In the Blanks :
Dead remains of plants and animals is called __________.

Q 19.

Fill In the Blanks :
The region which includes all the earth's liquid water, frozen water and small amounts of water vapor in the earth's atmosphere. ________

Q 20.

List any three human activities that you think would lead to air pollution.

Q 21.

Fill In the Blanks :
Hot air is ___________ than cold air.

Q 22.

Fill In the Blanks :
On planets like Venus and Mars the major component of the atmosphere is ___________.

Q 23.

In which regions is soil erosion very difficult to revert?

Q 24.

Which gets heated faster land or water?

Q 25.

Fill In the Blanks :
_________ is the region of atmosphere where ozone layer is present.

Q 26.

What are the effects of acid rain?

Q 27.

Define air-pollution?

Q 28.

Fill In the Blanks :
The space among the soil particles are filled with ________.

Q 29.

What is smog?

Q 30.

Fill In the Blanks :
In the upper layer of the atmosphere, a molecule containing three atoms of oxygen is found. It is called ________.

Q 31.

Why do organisms need water?

Q 32.

List the four zones of the atmosphere.

Q 33.

Fill In the Blanks :
The non-living components of the environment. ________

Q 34.

Fill In the Blanks :
________ is formed due to condensation of water vapours in the lower region of atmosphere.

Q 35.

Why is water essential for life?

Q 36.

How is our atmosphere different from the atmosphere on Venus and Mars?

Q 37.

What are biogeochemic cycles? Names two examples.

Q 38.

Fill In the Blanks :
Soil contains bits of decayed living organisms which is called ________ ?

Q 39.

Fill In the Blanks :
A process in which anaerobic bacteria convert nitrate ions into nitrogen gas. ________

Q 40.

What causes winds?

Q 41.

Fill In the Blanks :
__________ is a major factor in deciding the soil structure because it causes the soil to become more porous and allows water and air to penetrate deep underground.

Q 42.

Fill In the Blanks :
Green plants convert carbon dioxide into glucose in the presence of ______________.

Q 43.

Fill In the Blanks :
The outer crust of the Earth. ________

Q 44.

Give an example of fungi which are known as 'indicator of air pollution'.

Q 45.

Fill In the Blanks :
An increase in the percentage of such gases in the atmosphere would cause the average temperatures to increase world-wide and this is called ________?

Q 46.

Fill In the Blanks :
The substances that cause pollution are called ___________.

Q 47.

Fill In the Blanks :
Specific Organisms  are found to be very sensitive to the levels of contaminants like sulphur dioxide in the air. What are these organisms called ________?

Q 48.

Fill In the Blanks :
Ozone hole was first detected over ____________.

Q 49.

Fill In the Blanks :
An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, brought about by the enhanced greenhouse effect. ________

Q 50.

How are clouds formed?