
Structure of Atom


State and explain the following:
(i) Aufbau principle
(ii) Pauli exclusion principle.
(iii) Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.


(i) Aufbau Principle: In the ground state of the atoms, the orbitals are filled in the order of their increasing energies. In other words, electrons first occupy the lowest-energy orbital available to them and enter into higher energy orbitals only after the lower energy orbitals are filled.
The order in which the energies of the orbitals increase and hence the order in which the orbitals are filled is as follows:
Is, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d,7p………………..
(ii) Pauli Exclusion Principle: An orbital can have maximum of two electrons and these must have opposite signs.
For example: Two electrons in an orbital can be represented by
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 2 Structure of Atom -16
The two electrons have opposite spin, if one is revolving clockwise, the other is revolving anticlockwise or vice versa.
(iii) Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity: Electron pairing in p, d and/orbitals cannot occur until each orbital of a given subshell contains one electron each or is single occupied.
For example: For the element nitrogen which contains 7 electrons, the following configuration can be written.
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 2 Structure of Atom -17


Structure of Atom

Q 1.

Which series of lines of the hydrogen spectrum lie in the visible region?

Q 2.

The electronic configuration of valence shell of Cu is 3d10 4s 1 and not 3d94s2. How is this configuration explained?

Q 4.

Giue flic name and atomic number of the inert gas atom in which the total number of d-electrons is equal to the difference between the numbers of total p and total s-electrons.

Q 5.

Write the electronic configuration and number of unpaired electrons in  Fe2+ion.

Q 6.

An anion A3+has 18 electrons. Write the atomic number of A.

Q 7.

What is the minimum product of uncertainty in position and momentum of an electron?

Q 8.

What is the most important application of de Broglie concept?

Q 9.

Which of the following will not show deflection from the path on passing through an electric field?
Proton, cathode rays, electron, neutron.

Q 10.

How many electrons in an atom can have n + l = 6?

Q 11.

Define atomic number, mass number and neutron. How are the three related to each other?

Q 12.

If n is equal to 3, what are the values of quantum numbers l and m?

Q 13.

Discuss the similarities and differences between a 1s and a 2s orbital.

Q 14.

Which one  Fe3+, Fe2+is more paramagnetic and why?

Q 15.

When is the energy of electron regarded as zero?

Q 16.

Show the distribution of electrons in oxygen atom (atomic number 8) using orbital diagram.

Q 17.

What mil be the order of energy levels 3s, 3p and 3d in case of H-atom?

Q 18.

Give the relation between wavelength and momentum of moving microscopic particle. What is the relation known as?

Q 19.

Distinguish between a photon and quantum.

Q 20.

Arrange the electron (e), protons (p) and alpha particle (α) in the increasing order for the values of e/m (charge/mass).

Q 21.

Which element does not have any neutron?

Q 22.

What were the weaknesses or limitations of Bohr’s model of atoms ? Briefly describe the quantum mechanical model of atom.

Q 23.

The Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum corresponds to the transition from n1 = 2 to n2 = 3, 4,……… This series lies in the visible region. Calculate  the wave number of line associated with the transition in Balmer series when the electron moves to n = 4 orbit. (RH = 109677 cm-1).

Q 24.

An atom having atomic mass number 13 has 7 neutrons. What is the atomic number of the atom?

Q 25.

The uncertainty in the position of a moving bullet of mass 10 g is  10-5    m. Calculate the uncertainty in its velocity?

Q 26.

What is value of Planck’s constant in S.I. units?

Q 27.

Which orbital is non-directional?

Q 28.

Show the distribution of electrons in oxygen atom (atomic number 8) using orbital diagram.

Q 29.

Arrange X-rays, cosmic rays and radio waves according to frequency.

Q 30.

What is the difference between ground state and excited state?

Q 31.

What are degenerate orbitals ?

Q 32.

What type of metals are used in photoelectric cells? Give one example.

Q 33.

The uncertainty in the position and velocity of a particle are  10-10m and  5.27 x 10-24 ms-1  respectively. Calculate the mass of the particle. (Haryana Board 2000)

Q 34.

What is common between dxy  and  dx2-y 2  orbitals?

Q 35.

Using Aufbau principle, write the ground state electronic configuration of following atoms.
(i)Boron (Z = 5) (ii) Neon (Z = 10), (iii) Aluminium (Z = 13) (iv) Chlorine (Z = 17), (v) Calcium (Z = 20) (vi) Rubidium (Z = 37)

Q 36.

Arrange s, p and d sub-shells of a shell in the increasing order of effective nuclear charge (Zeff) experienced by the electron present in them

Q 37.

What is the difference between the notations l and L?

Q 38.

An electron beam after hitting a neutral crystal produces a diffraction pattern? What do you conclude?

Q 39.

State and explain the following:
(i) Aufbau principle
(ii) Pauli exclusion principle.
(iii) Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.

Q 40.

The kinetic energy of an electron is  4.55 x 10-25 J. The mass of electron  9.1 x 10-1 kg.  Calculate velocity, momentum and the wavelength of the electron?(Haryana Board, 2004, AII CBSE 2000)

Q 41.

Calculate the total number of angular nodes and radial nodes present in 3p orbital.

Q 42.

What are the two longest wavelength lines (in manometers) in the Lyman series of hydrogen spectrum?

Q 43.

In a hydrogen atom, the energy of an electron in first Bohr’s orbit is  13.12 x 105 J mol-1.  What is the energy required for its excitation to Bohr’s second orbit?

Q 44.

What is difference between the notations l and L?

Q 45.

An electron beam on hitting a ZnS screen produces a scientillation on it. What do you conclude?

Q 46.

(a) What is the limitations of Rutherford model of atoms?
(b) How has Bohr’s theory helped in calculating the energy of hydrogen electron in different energy levels?

Q 47.

Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving with 1% of the speed of light?

Q 48.

How many unpaired electrons are present in Pd (Z = 46) ?

Q 49.

What is the wavelength for the electron accelerated by  1.0 x 104 volts?

Q 50.

According to de Broglie, matter should exhibit dual behaviour, that is both particle and wave like properties. However, a cricket ball of mass 100 g does not move like a wave when it is thrown by a bowler at a speed of 100 km/h. Calculate the wavelength of the ball and explain why it does not show wave nature.