
Diversity in Living Organisms

Five Kingdoms

Kingdom Monera Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
Cell Complexity Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic
Body Design Unicellular Unicellular Multicellular Multicellular Multicellular
Mode of Nutrition Heterotroph or Autotroph Heterotroph or Autotroph Saprophytes Autotroph Heterotroph
Ecological Role Decomposer Consumer Decomposer Producer Consumer
Other Characteristics Locomotion by flagella Pesuopads, intracellular movement Cell wall made of chitin Tissue Differentiation, seeds bearing etc. Tissue Differentiation, Mostly mobile...
Examples bacteria, blue-green algae Amoeba, Paramecium,  Diatoms Mushroom, Yeast Ferns, green plants Sponges, Fishes, Birds, Humans

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Diversity in Living Organisms - Notes
1. Monocots vs Dicots
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2. Gymnosperms vs Angiosperm
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3. Thallophytes vs Pteridophytes
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4. Primitive vs Advanced Organisms
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5. Pteridophytes vs Phanerograms
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6. Poriferans vs Coelentrates
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7. Five classes of vertebrates
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8. Nematoda vs Annelids
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9. Annelids vs Arthopods
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10. Five Kingdoms
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