

Sound is Produced by a Vibrating Body

Touch the school bell when not in use. What do you feel? Again touch it when producing sound. Can you feel it vibrating?The to and fro or back and forth motion of an object is termed as vibration as you learnt in Class VII. When a tightly stretched band is plucked, it vibrates and produces sound. When it stops vibrating, it does not produce any sound.We see that a vibrating object produces sound. In some cases, the vibrations are easily visible to us. But in most cases, their amplitude is so small that we cannot see them. However, we can feel them.Make a list of familiar musical instruments and identify their vibrating parts.Many of you might have seen the manjira (cymbals), the ghatam, and the noot (mudpots) and the kartal These instruments are ommonly used in many parts of our country. These musical instruments are simply beaten or struck. Can you name a few other musical instruments of this type? You, too can make a musical instrument.

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Sound - Notes
1. Audible and Inaudible Sounds
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2. We hear Sound through Our Ears
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3. Noise Pollution
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4. Sound Needs a Medium for Propagation
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5. Sound Produced by Humans
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6. Noise and Music
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7. Sound is Produced by a Vibrating Body
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