
Reproduction in Animals

Asexual Reproduction

So far. we have learnt about reproduction in some familiar animals. But what about very small animals like hydra and microscopic organisms like amoeba? Do you know how they reproduce? Let us find out.In each hydra, there may be one or more bulges. These bulges are the developing new individuals and they are called buds. Recall the presence of buds in yeast. In hydra too the new individuals develop as outgrowths from a single parent. This type of reproduction in which only a single parent is involved is called asexual reproduction. Since new individuals develop from he buds in hydra, this type of asexual reproduction is called budding. Another method of asexual reproduction is observed in the microscopic organism, amoeba. Let us see how this happens. You have already learnt about the structure of amoeba. You will recall that amoeba is a single-celled organisms .It begins the process of reproduction by the division of its nucleus into two nuclei. This is followed by division of its body into two. each part receiving a nucleus. Finally, two amoebae are produced from one parent amoeba. This type of asexual reproduction in which an animal reproduces by dividing into two individuals is called binary fission. Apart from budding and binary fission.

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Reproduction in Animals - Notes
1. Male Reproductive Organs
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2. Fertilization
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3. Sexual Reproduction
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4. Asexual Reproduction
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5. Female Reproductive Organs
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6. Viviparous and Oviparous Animals
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7. Young Ones to Adults
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