
Reaching the Age of Adolescence

How is the Sex of the Baby Determined? Boy or Girl?

Inside the fertilised egg or zygote is the instruction for determining the sex of the baby. This instmction is present in the thread-like structures, called chromosomes in the fertilised egg. Recall from Chapter 8. that chromosomes are present inside the nucleus of every cell. All human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes in the nuclei of their cells. Two chromosomes out of these are the sex chromosomes, named X and Y. A female has two X chromosomes, while a male has one X and one Y chromosome. The gametes (egg and sperm) have only one set of chromosomes. The unfertilised egg always has one X chromosome. But sperms are of two kinds. One kind has an X chromosome, and the other kind has a Y chromosome. When a sperm containing X chromosome fertilises the egg. the zygote would have two X chromosomes and develop into a female child. If the sperm contributes a Y chromosome to the egg (ovum) at fertilisation, the zygote would develop into a male child.Now you know that the sex chromosomes of the father determine the sex of an unborn baby. The belief that the mother is responsible for the sex of her baby is completely wrong and to blame her for this is totally unjustified.

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Reaching the Age of Adolescence - Notes
1. Change in Body Shape
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2. Secondary Sexual Characters
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3. Development of Sex Organs
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4. Adolescence and Puberty
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5. How is the Sex of the Baby Determined? Boy or Girl?
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6. Reproductive Health
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7. Hormones other than Sex Hormones
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8. Reproductive Phase of Life in Humans
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