

What is inside Our Eyes?

We see things only when light coming from them enters our eyes. Eye Is one of our most Important sense organs. It Is. therefore. Important to understand Its structure and working. The eye has a roughly spherical shape. Outer coat of the eye Is white. It is tough so that It can protect the Interior of the eye from accidents. Its transparent front part Is called cornea. Behind the cornea, we find a dark muscular structure called iris. In the Iris, there Is a small opening called the pupil. The size of the pupil is controlled by the Iris. The iris is the part of that eye which gives It its distinctive colour. When we say that a person has green eyes, we refer actually to the colour of the iris. The Iris controls the amount of light entering into the eye. Let us see how.

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Light - Notes
1. What is inside Our Eyes?
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8. Reflected Light Can be Reflected Again
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