

Reflected Light Can be Reflected Again

Recall the last time you visited a hair dresser. She/he makes you sit In front of a mirror. After your hair cut Is complete, she/he places a mirror at your back to show you how the hair has been cut. Can you think how you could see the hair at the back of your head?Pahell recalls having constructed a periscope as an Extended Activity in Class VI. The periscope makes use of two plane mirrors. Can you explain how reflection from the two mirrors enables you to see objects which are not visible directly? Periscopes are used In submarines, tanks and also by soldiers In bunkers to see things outside.

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Light - Notes
1. What is inside Our Eyes?
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2. Care of Eyes
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3. Regular and Diffused Reflection
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4. What is a Braille System?
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5. Laws of Reflection
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6. Multiple Images
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7. What makes Things Visible
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8. Reflected Light Can be Reflected Again
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