
The French Revolution


Who authored the book 'The Spirit of the Laws'? What was proposed in this book?


Montesquieu was the author of The Spirit of the Laws. In the book he proposed a division of power within the government between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary.

The French Revolution

Q 1.

From where Jacobin's club got its name? Who was the leader of Jacobin's club?

Q 2.

What role did women of France of third Estate play in French revolution?

Q 3.

What was the impact of the French Revolution in France?

Q 4.

What was the legacy of the French Revolution?

Q 5.

What is the importance of the document 'Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen'?

Q 6.

Why 'Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen' is considered as a revolutionary document in french revolution?

Q 7.

When did the Assembly pass a decree abolishing the feudal system of obligations and taxes?

Q 8.

What was the outcome of Battle of Waterloo? When did this battle occur?

Q 9.

What were the different political groups operating in the Legislative Assembly during French revolution?

Q 10.

What was Rousseau's concept about the state?

Q 11.

When did Louis XVI called for The Estates General? When was it convened last time?

Q 12.

Who authored the book 'The Spirit of the Laws'? What was proposed in this book?

Q 13.

Who was the president of USA during French revolution?

Q 14.

What principles were supported by the revolution?

Q 15.

What was the important aim of setting up Directory? What was the final outcome after appointing the Directory?

Q 16.

What impact did French Revolution have on slave trade?

Q 17.

Write a short note on 'Reign of Terror'.

Q 18.

Which cities became prosperous because of slave trade?

Q 19.

Important Terms to remember.

Q 20.

Who were allowed to vote for the formation of the National Assembly?

Q 21.

Explain how did the freedom of speech and expression under the revolutionary government in France promote the ideals of Liberty and Equality into everyday practice.

Q 22.

Arrange the following events of French Revolution in chronological order (what happened next).
(i) Louis XVI is guillotined.
(ii) the Oath of the Tennis Court
(iii) The Bastille falls
(iv) French Republic is declared.
(v) The Great Fear

Q 23.

What was The Great Fear in French revolution?

Q 24.

What was the role of French philosophers and revolutionary thinkers in the French Revolution?