
People as Resource


What do you mean by disguised unemployment? State an example.


It is the situation in which an individual appears to be employed, but he does not add to the productivity. That is, the productivity would remain the same even in his absence. e.g. A family has a farming land where the work requires service of four persons but all the nine members of the family work there. Even if five persons are withdraw, there is no reduction in output. Thus these five persons are said to be disguised or hidden employed.

People as Resource

Q 1.

What do you mean by the term unemployment?

Q 2.

Define infant mortality rate (IMR)

Q 3.

What is seasonal unemployment?

Q 4.

Name the economic activities covered in the primary sector.

Q 5.

How is the investment in human resource is similar to any other type of investment?

Q 6.

Why is male literacy rate more than female literacy rate in India?

Q 7.

List a few indicators which determine the quality of population?

Q 8.

How can a large population be transformed into a productive asset? Name the country which has been invested in human resources.

Q 9.

What do you mean by market activities?

Q 10.

What do you mean by disguised unemployment? State an example.

Q 11.

Which aspect of a large population has often be ignored or overlooked?

Q 12.

What are non-economic activities?

Q 13.

What is 'People as Resource'?

Q 14.

What is the role of education in human capital formation?

Q 15.

List the two parts of economic activities.

Q 16.

What is human capital formation?

Q 17.

How human capital contributes to Gross National Product by citing two examples?

Q 18.

What is human capital?

Q 19.

Why is human resource considered to be the most important resource?

Q 20.

What do you understand by people as a resource?

Q 21.

Why are women employed in low paid work?

Q 22.

Name the factors on which quality of population depends.

Q 23.

How is human resource different from other resources like land and physical capital?

Q 24.

What is the difference between economic and non-economic activities?

Q 25.

When does population become asset rather a liability?

Q 26.

Define economic activities.