
Food Security in India


Name the year when a devastating famine occurred in India.


In 1943, famine of Bengal is the most devastated famine.

Food Security in India

Q 1.

Name the year when a devastating famine occurred in India.

Q 2.

Why is agriculture a seasonal activity?

Q 3.

What is food security? What conditions should be fulfilled to ensure food security in a country like India?

Q 4.

A section of people in India are still without food. Explain?

Q 5.

What is rationing?

Q 6.

List the three A's Food security implies to?

Q 7.

What is buffer stock?

Q 8.

Define Famine.

Q 9.

Which states are more food insecure in India?

Q 10.

What are the dimensions of food security?

Q 11.

List the kinds of ration cards available?

Q 12.

Write a note on the role of cooperatives in providing food and related items.

Q 13.

Why is food security essential?

Q 14.

What is Minimum Support Price?

Q 15.

Why is a buffer stock created by the government?

Q 16.

What are the benefits from PDS?

Q 17.

How is food security ensured in India?

Q 18.

What is Public Distribution System (PDS)?

Q 19.

Which two special schemes related to food security were launched in 2000? What were the objective of these schemes?

Q 20.

Which are the people more prone to food insecurity?

Q 21.

What is Chronic hunger?

Q 22.

Describe any three categories of people who are prone to food insecurity.

Q 23.

Define Green Revolution.

Q 24.

Do you believe that green revolution has made India self-sufficient in food grains? How?

Q 25.

Define malnutrition.

Q 26.

What are the functions of food corporation of India?

Q 27.

Name any six co-operative societies of the country.

Q 28.

How does World Summit 1995 define 'Food Security'?

Q 29.

What happens to the supply of food when there is a disaster or a calamity?

Q 30.

Differentiate between seasonal hunger and chronic hunger?

Q 31.

Describe the achievements of Public Distribution System (PDS).

Q 32.

What changes have been noticed in the Public Distribution System recently?

Q 33.

How is food security affected during a calamity?

Q 34.

What is seasonal hunger?

Q 35.

Write notes on:Minimum Support Price, Buffer Stock, Issue Price and Fair Price Shops.

Q 36.

What has our government done to provide food security to the poor? Discuss any two schemes launched by the government?