What are the conditions which make an election democratic?
The necessary conditions required for a democratic election are:
- Everyone should be able to choose i.e. everyone should have one vote and everyvote should have equal value. Voters list is reviewed and revised time to time.
- There should be something to choose from. Parties and candidates should be free to contestelections and should offer some real choice to the voters.
- Elections must be held regularly after every few years.
- The candidate preferred by the people should get elected.
- Elections should be held in a free and fair manner where people can choose as they really wish.
- No bogus or biased voting is allowed. e.g. voter identity cards are issued to check bogus voting.
- There exists an independent Election Commission in the country to conduct free and fair elections.
Q 7.
List all the different election related activities mentioned in the chapter and arrange them in a time sequence, beginning with the first activity and ending with the last. Some of these activities are given below:
- releasing election manifestos;
- counting of votes;
- making of voters' list;
- election campaign;
- declaration of election results;
- casting of votes;
- ordering of re-poll;
- announcing election schedule;
- filing nomination.
Q 10.
Which of the following statements about the reasons for conducting elections are false?
(a) Elections enable people to judge the performance of the government.
(b) People select the representative of their choice in an election.
(c) Elections enable people to evaluate the performance of the judiciary.
(d) People can indicate which policies they prefer.