
How, When and Where


Give a brief description of Shahjahanabad.


Shahjahanabad built by Shah Jahan consisted of a fort-palace complex and the city adjoining it. To the west of Red Fort lay the Walled City with 14 gates.

It was a well planned city with canals that brought fresh drinking water to all homes. The city also had excellent drainage system. Wells also provided water to the households.

Chandni Chowk was the major street in the walled city. It runs through the middle of the walled city. A canal ran through the middle of the street as part of the water supply scheme. Chandni Chowk was broad enough for royal processions to pass by.

Jama Masjid in Shahjahanabad was one of the largest and grandest mosques in India.

During Shah Jahan’s time the city was an important centre of Sufi culture. It had several dargahs, khanqahs and idgahs. Open squares, winding lanes, quiet cul-de-sacs and water channels made it an opulent and beautiful city.


How, When and Where

Q 1.

What are Reserved forests?

Q 2.

What could be the reasons for the confidence of the British rulers about their position in India before May 1857?

Q 3.

What did Nana Saheb want of the British?

Q 4.

Give a brief note on the Battle of Plassey.

Q 5.

What were the reasons for the decline of the Mughal Empire?

Q 6.

How and when did the British East India Company set foot in India?

Q 7.

During the Mughal rule what was the status of the Diwan?

Q 8.

What objections did the Sepoys have to the new cartridges that they were asked to use?

Q 9.

Who was Nana Saheb?

Q 10.

In what way was the administration of the Company different from that of Indian rulers?

Q 11.

Why were ryots reluctant to grow indigo?

Q 12.

How did the status of the tribal chiefs change after the British established power in India?

Q 13.

Why did the British dislike shifting cultivators?

Q 14.

What did Nana Saheb want of the British?

Q 15.

What was the incidence that triggered the mutiny?

Q 16.

Identify three differences in the city design of New Delhi and Shahjahanabad.

Q 17.

How was colonial India divided for administrative purposes?

Q 18.

What were the ambitious plans of the East India Company?

Q 19.

Which were the other trading Companies that came to the Indian shores?

Q 20.

Give a brief description of Chhatrapati Shivaji.

Q 21.

What was the doctrine of lapse?

Q 22.

Who created the first map of India?

Q 23.

What were the reasons for the decline of the Mughal Empire?

Q 24.

Give a brief note on the wars between the Marathas and the British East India Company?

Q 25.

When did the Blue rebellion break-out?

Q 26.

What was the out come of the Blue Rebellion?

Q 27.

How did the powers of tribal chiefs change under colonial rule?

Q 28.

Name the notable tribes in India.

Q 29.

Write a short note on shifting cultivation.

Q 30.

How did the British succeed in securing the submission of the rebel landowners of Awadh?

Q 31.

Trace the eight cities that existed before New Delhi between 736 AD and the 17th Century.

Q 32.

Who was Nana Saheb?

Q 33.

What was the incidence that triggered the mutiny?

Q 34.

Trace the rebellion from Meerut to Delhi.

Q 35.

How did the status of the tribal chiefs change after the British established power in India?

Q 36.

When was the 'Diwani' of Bengal granted to the East India Company?

Q 37.

Why did the British want to grow the indigo plant in India?

Q 38.

What was the out come of the Blue Rebellion?

Q 39.

What were the commodities that these companies traded in?

Q 40.

What were the rules followed by the British East India Company while occupying the Indian States?

Q 41.

What were the powers enjoyed by the Residents appointed by the Company?

Q 42.

When and between whom did the 3rd Battle of Panipat take place?

Q 43.

Why is it important to have dates or time frames while writing History?

Q 44.

Who wrote the book The History of British India?

Q 45.

Why did James Mill divide his book, The History of British India’ into the Hindu, Muslim and British

Q 46.

Apart from official records what are the other sources of information that is available to historians?

Q 47.

How will the information historians get from old newspapers be different from that found in police reports?

Q 48.

Who wrote the book The History of British India?

Q 49.

What attracted European trading companies to India?

Q 50.

How did the assumption of Diwani benefit the East India Company?