
Understanding Our Criminal Justice System


What was the conclusion reached by the Justice Rajindar Sachar Committee?


The committee came to the conclusion that on a range of social, economic and educational indicators the situation of the Muslim community is comparable to that of other marginalised communities like Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Understanding Our Criminal Justice System

Q 1.

What are the consequences of marginalisation?

Q 2.

Re-read the section on Minorities and Marginalisation. What do you understand by the term minority?

Q 3.

What are the reasons why a community is marginalized, and how does it affect the community?

Q 4.

What are the seven rights stated in the Indian constitution?

Q 5.

Who headed the Committee set up by the government to look into the social, economic and educational status of the Muslim Community in India?

Q 6.

What is the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers "Recognition of Forest Rights" Act, 2006?

Q 7.

Why was the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes "Prevention ofAtrocities" Act, 1989 framed?

Q 8.

What is theReservation Policy?

Q 9.

Mention the levels on which marginalization can take place.

Q 10.

What did the marginal groups rely on to protect themselves from continued exploitation by other groups?

Q 11.

What is untouchability and who were called untouchables?

Q 12.

Write in your own words two or more sentences of what you understand by the word 'marginalisation'.

Q 13.

Imagine that you are watching the Republic Day parade on TV with a friend and she remarks, "Look at these tribals. They look so exotic. And they seem to be dancing all the time". List three things that you would tell her about the lives of Adivasis in India.

Q 14.

What are the ways in which marginalized communities tried to overcome the discriminations they faced?

Q 15.

Would you agree with the statement that economic and social marginalisation are interlinked? Why?

Q 16.

You are participating in a debate where you have to provide reasons to support the following statement:‘Muslims are a marginalised community . Using the data provided in this chapter, list two reasons that you would give.

Q 17.

Write one reason why you think the Constitution's safeguards to protect minority communities are very important?

Q 18.

How can we tackle marginalization?

Q 19.

Mention 4 untouchable practices.

Q 20.

List two Fundamental Rights in the Constitution that Dalits can draw upon to insist that they be treated with dignity and as equals. Re-read the Fundamental Rights listed on page 14 to help you answer this question.

Q 21.

Re-read the story on Rathnam as well as the provisions of the 1989 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. Now list one reason why you think he used this law to file a complaint.

Q 22.

What were the hardships faced by the Adivasis?

Q 23.

Why do Adivasi activists, including C.K. Janu, believe that Adivasis can also use this 1989 Act to fight against dispossession? Is there anything specific in the provisions of the Act that allows her to believe this?

Q 24.

Write a brief note on Adivasis.

Q 25.

List two reasons why Adivasis are becoming increasingly marginalised.

Q 26.

How did the Dalits assert themselves?

Q 27.

How are Adivasis portrayed today?

Q 28.

What was the conclusion reached by the Justice Rajindar Sachar Committee?

Q 29.

Mention a few crimes listed in the Prevention of Atrocities Act 1989.