
Wastewater Story


Explain the Junction of bar screens in a wastewater treatment plant.


Bar screens clear the wastewater of all the physical impurities. Large size waste like napkins, plastics, cans etc. are removed from the wastewater through the bar screens.



Wastewater Story

Q 1.

Outline your role as an active citizen in relation to sanitation.

Q 2.

Why should oils and fats be not released in the drain? Explain.

Q 3.

Name two chemicals used to disinfect water.

Q 4.

What is sewage? Explain why it is harmful to discharge untreated sewage into rivers or seas.

Q 5.

Explain the relationship between sanitation and disease.

Q 6.

Fill in the blanks:
(a) Cleaning of water is process of removing __________
(b) Wastewater released by houses is called __________.
(c) Dried __________ is used as manure.
(d) Drains get blocked by __________ and __________.

Q 7.

What is sludge? Explain how it is treated.

Q 8.

Describe the steps involved in getting clarified water from wastewater.

Q 9.

Explain the Junction of bar screens in a wastewater treatment plant.

Q 10.

Untreated human excreta is a health hazard. Explain.

Q 11.

Why should oils and fats be not released in the drain? Explain.

Q 12.

Here is a crossword puzzle. Good luck!
3. Liquid waste products
4. Solid waste extracted in sewage treatment
6. A word related to hygiene
8. Waste matter discharged from human body
1. Used water
2. A pipe carrying sewage
5. Micro-organisms which cause cholera
7. A chemical to disinfect water