
Understanding Advertising


When products are advertised by cricket heroes and film stars, we feel tempted to buy them. Why?


It is because persons whom we consider our heroes tell us that those products are worth buying.


Understanding Advertising

Q 1.

Observe the advertisements given below and answer the questions that follow:
(a) What does this advertisement want me to feel when I use this brand?
(b) Who is this advertisement talking to and who is leaving out?
(c) If you have money to buy these products, how would you feel when you see these advertisements? If you do not have money, then how would you feel?

Q 2.

Mention one drawback of advertising.

Q 3.

What do advertisements do?

Q 4.

How are brand values conveyed to us?

Q 5.

What impressions does advertising create on us?

Q 6.

How do pi ople feel when they fail to afford certain brands?

Q 7.

What do you mean by the word branding?

Q 8.

When products are advertised by cricket heroes and film stars, we feel tempted to buy them. Why?

Q 9.

Advertisements aim to get people to buy a particular brand'. What does this really mean?

Q 10.

Why do you think the manufacturer of the daal (pulses) gave his product a specific name?  [Imp.]

Q 11.

Why is the consumer confused? Or What makes the consumer confused?[V. Imp.]

Q 12.

How are smaR businessmen affected in this age of advertisements?  [V. Imp.]

Q 13.

Can you explain two ways in which you think advertising affects issues of equality in a democracy?

Q 14.

Do you think there is a problem in using the image of the mother as the only person who takes care of the child on the Care Soap, advertisement?

Q 15.

Why do companies show the advertisements again and again?

Q 16.

What do companies do in case there are two brands of a similar product?

Q 17.

Under what pressure do companies show the advertisements again and again?

Q 18.

Mention the drawbacks of advertising. [V. Imp.]

Q 19.

What do you mean by social advertisements?   [V. Imp.]

Q 20.

How is personal emotion being used in the Care Soap advertisement?  [Imp.]

Q 21.

Observe the advertisement given below and answer the questions that follow:
(a) Who do you think is the target audience for the social advertisements above?
(b) What is the message that each social advertisement is trying to get across?
(c) Having read about diarrhoea epidemic in the chapter on State Government,

Q 22.

Making an advertisement requires a lot of creativity. Let us imagine a situation in which a manufacturer has just made a new watch. She says that she wants to sell this watch to school children. She comes to your class and asks you all to create a brand name as well as an advertisement for the watch. Divide the class into small groups and each group creates an advertisement for this watch. Share it with the class.

Q 23.

What brand values are used by the two daals namely Top Taste Daal' and Best Taste Daal'?

Q 24.

What do the advertisers do to convince the consumer?

Q 25.

What role do advertisements play in our lives?  [V. Imp.]

Q 26.

 Look at the two advertisements given below and tell in the table that follow.