


Define and discuss distance' as a component of a map.  [V. Imp.]


Maps are drawings. They reduce the whole world or a part of it to fit on a sheet of paper. In other words we can say that maps are drawn to reduced scales. But it needs great care while doing this reduction work in order to keep the distance between the real places. It can only be possible when a small distance on paper represents a large distance on the ground. For this purpose a scale is used. Scale is the ratio between the actual distance on the ground and the distance shown on the map. We can understand this with the help of an example. Suppose, the distance between your coaching centre and your school is 8 km. If you show this 8 km distance by 2 cm on a map. It means, 1 cm on the map will show 4 km on the ground.
Thus, the scale of your drawing will be  1 cm = 4 km
Scale is very important in any map. If scale is known, calculation of distance between any two places on a map will be easy.
A small scale is used to show large areas on a paper like continents or countries. For example, 10 cm on the map shows 1000 km of the ground.
A large scale is used to show a small area like a village or town on paper. For example, 10 cm on the map shows 1000 metres only on the ground.



Q 1.

Define and discuss distance' as a component of a map.  [V. Imp.]

Q 2.

What do physical maps show? (Imp.)

Q 3.

What is a plan?

Q 4.

What is a sketch map?

Q 5.

What is an atlas?

Q 6.

What is a compass?

Q 7.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete each sentence:
(i) A……….. is used to show large areas like continents or countries on a paper.
(ii) A………. is an instrument used to find out main directions.
(iii) Maps have a…………. language that can be understood by all.
(iv) In a sketch match …………. is not needed.
(v) Maps are more informative than a …………

Q 8.

Differentiate between a small scale map and a large scale map.   [V. Imp.]

Q 9.

What do you mean by a thematic map?   [V. Imp.]

Q 10.

State whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).
(i) A globe is used to study the earth as a whole.
(ii) Political maps show natural features of the earth.
(iii) A large scale map is used to show large areas like countries on a paper,
(iv) There are four intermediate directions.
(v) Large scale maps give less information than small scale maps.

Q 11.

What colours are used for the following:
(i) mountains
(ii) plains
(iii) plateaus
(iv) water bodies

Q 12.

What are conventional symbols?  [V. Imp.]

Q 13.

What are cardinal points and intermediate directions? [Imp.]

Q 14.

Write a note on compass'.[Imp.]

Q 15.

What do political maps show?

Q 16.

Differentiate between a small scale map and a large scale map. [V. Imp.]

Q 17.

When do you use a globe?

Q 18.

Answer the following questions briefly:
(a) What are the three components of a map?
(b) What are the four cardinal directions?
(c) What do you mean by the term ‘the scale of the map'?
(d) How are maps more helpful than a globe?
(e) Distinguish between a map and a plan.
(f) Which map provides detailed information?
(g) How do symbols help in reading map?

Q 19.

Give an account of direction' as a major component of a map. [Imp.]

Q 20.

What is called the north line?

Q 21.

Discuss symbols as a major component of a map.     [V. Imp.]

Q 22.

Look at the Figure and find out:
(i)In which direction is the river flowing?
(ii)What kind of road passes by the side of village Dumri?
(iii)On what type of railway line is Sunderpur situated?
(iv) On which side of the railway bridge is police station situated?
(v)On which side of the railway line do the following lie:
(a) Chhatri                                    (b) Church
(c) Pond                                                                               (d) Mosque
(e) River                                        (f) Post and Telegraph         Office
(g) Graveyard.