Political Science

The Cold War Era


1. Why is a war like situation called Cold War?
2. Identify one military pact each signed by each of the two super powers to balance the power rivalries.
3. Differentiate between the ideologies represented by the rival blocs.


1. The Cold War referred to the competition, the tensions and a series of confrontations between the US and Soviet Union. It never escalated into a hot war, i.e. a full-scale war between these two powers.
2. The US and USSR decided to collaborate in limiting or eliminating certain kinds of nuclear and non-nuclear weapons. A stable balance of weapon, they decided, could be maintained through ‘arms
control'. Starting in the 1960s, the two sides signed significant agreements, namely, Limited Test Ban Treaty and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
3. The Western alliance, headed by the US, represented the ideology of liberal democracy and capitalism while the eastern alliance, headed by the Soviet Union, was committed to the ideology of socialism and communism.
2. Read the passage (NCERT Textbook, pages 2-3) given below carefully and answer the questions:
In April 1961… the Soviet Union were worried that the United States of America would invade communist ruled Cuba and overthrow the Cuban President Fidel Castro…. Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of Soviet Union, decided to convert Cuba into a Russian base. In 1962, placed nuclear missiles… Three weeks after the Soviet Union had placed the nuclear weapons in Cuba, the Americans became aware of it. They became reluctant to do anything that might lead to full scale war between the two countries… A clash seemed imminent in what came to be known as "Cuban Missile Crisis". The prospects of this clash made the whole world nervous.


The Cold War Era

Q 1.

Why did the superpowers have military alliances with smaller countries? Give three reasons.

Q 2.

Mention the period of first and second World Wars.

Q 3.

What does USSR stand for?

Q 4.

When and where the first NAM Summit was held?

Q 5.

When did NATO come into existence? How many states joined it?

Q 6.

Name two leaders who played crucial role in Cuban Missile Crisis.

Q 7.

What is meant b; .old War?

Q 8.

Who was the key leader of NAM who tried to reduce the Cold War conflicts?

Q 9.

Name any two t,rms control treaties signed between two superpowers in 1960s.

Q 10.

What led to the emergence of bipolar world? What were the arenas of Cold War between the two power blocs?

Q 11.

What was India's foreign policy towards the USandUSSR during the Cold War era? Do you think that this policy helped India's interests?

Q 12.

Name any two foreign leaders alongwith the countries they belonged to, who are recognised as the founders of NAM.

Q 13.

What was Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT)?

Q 14.

Why did India not join either of the two camps during the Cold War?

Q 15.

1. Why was the Soviet Union worried about America invading Cuba?
2. In response to the action taken by America, what did Nikita Khrushchev do?
3. Why were the two superpowers reluctant to start nuclear war?  

Q 16.

" Non-alignment posture was in the interest of India". How?

Q 17.

Why was the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation also called Western Alliance?

Q 18.

Name any two founders of Non-aligned Movement. The first NAM summit was the culmination of which three factors?

Q 19.

Sometimes it is said that the Cold War was a simple struggle for power and that ideology had nothing to do with it. Do you agree with this? Give one example to support your position.

Q 20.

1. Why is a war like situation called Cold War?
2. Identify one military pact each signed by each of the two super powers to balance the power rivalries.
3. Differentiate between the ideologies represented by the rival blocs.

Q 21.

What was India's policy of Non ¬alignment?

Q 22.

Explain the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Q 23.

How were the military alliances beneficial to smaller nations during the Cold War?

Q 24.

What was the main objective of New International Economic Order?

Q 25.

Mention any four important events which took place during Cuban Missile Crisis.

Q 26.

Explain any four objectives on Non- aligned Movement.

Q 27.

NAM was considered a third option' by third world countries! How did this option benefit their growth during the peak of the Cold War?

Q 28.

What do you understand by Least Developed Countries?

Q 29.

Explain various arms control treaties.
Define the various treaties to control arms.

Q 30.

On the political map of world locate and level the following by giving symbols to them:

Study the given map of the world in which six different countries have been marked 1,2,3,4,5,6. Identify these countries with their names and classify them as first, second, third world countries.

Q 31.

Explain Eastern and Western alliance during Cold war.

Q 32.

What was deterrence relationship between superpowers?

Q 33.

" Non-alignment does not imply neutrality or equidistance."What does this statement mean?

Q 34.

What do you th nk about the statement that NAM has bdcoPie irrelevant today? Give reasons to support your opinion.
What is the relevance of non-aligned movement after the end of Cold War?

Q 35.

1. Describe any six factors responsible for the disintegration of USSR.
What is meant by New International Economic Order? Mention any four reforms of the global trading system proposed by UNCTAD in 1972.

Q 36.

How did superpowers maintain arms- control?

Q 37.

"India's policy of non-alignment was criticised on a number of counts."Explain.

Q 38.

The Cold War produced an arms race as well as arms control. What were the reasons for both these development?

Q 39.

Name the two superpowers responsible for Cold War. When did the world become unipolar?

Q 40.

Why were most of the countries categorised as Least Developed Countries?

Q 41.

How did deterrence relationship prevented war between two superpowers?

Q 42.

What was the difference in the ideology of Western Alliances and that of Eastern Alliances?

Q 43.

Mention two military features of the Cold War.

Q 44.

Why did India distance itself from the two camps led by the U.S. and the Soviet Union? Explain.

Q 45.

How did Europe become main arena of conflict between the superpowers?

Q 46.

When did NATO and WARSAW PACT come into existence?

Q 47.

Why did India distance itself from the two camps led by the U.S. and the Soviet Union? Explain.

Q 48.

What is the rationale of Non-aligned movement after the end of Cold War?
Whmh core values keep non-alignment relevant even after Cold War has ended?

Q 49.

1. What does NATO stand for?
2. What was NATO's policy?
3. What was Warsaw Pact?
4. Mention the main function of Warsaw Pact.

Q 50.

Mark correct or wrong against each of the following statements that describe the features ol Tliitary alliances formed by the superpowers.
(a) Member countries of the alliance are to provide bases in their respective lands for superpowers.
(b) Member countries to support the superpower both in terms of ideology and military strategy.
(c) When a nation attacks any member country, it is considered as an attack on all the member countries.
(d) Superpowers assist all the member countries to develop their own nuclear weapons.