Discuss the main features of the Mauryan administration. Which of these elements are evident in the Asokan inscriptions that you have studied?
Asokan inscriptions mention all the main features of the administration of the Mauryan Empire. Thus, the features of the administration are evident in the inscriptions of the Asokan age. The important features of the same are as follow:
1.The capital of the Mauryan Empire was Pataliputra. Apart from the capital there ‘ were four other centres of political power in the empire. They were Taxila, Ujjaini,
Tosali and Suvamagiri.
2.Committee and subcommittees were formed to run the administration and safety of boundaries. Megasthenes has mentioned that there were one committee and six sub-committees. The six subcommittees and their areas of activities are as follows:
(i)The first sub committee looked after navy.
(ii)The second sub committee looked after transport and communications.
(iii)The third sub committee looked after infantry.
(iv)The fourth sub committee had the responsibility of horses.
(v)The fifth had the responsibility of chariots.
(vi)The sixth had the responsibility of elephants.
3.Strong network of roads and communications were established. It is notable that no large empire can be maintained in the absence of the same.
4.Asoka made an attempt to keep the empire united by the philosophy of Dhamma. Dhamma are nothing but moral principles that actuated people towards good conducts. Special officers called Dhamma Mahamtras were appointed to propagate Dhamma. In fact Romila Thapar has made it the most important element of the Asokan state's governing principle.
Discuss the main features of the Mauryan administration. Which of these elements are evident in the Asokan inscriptions that you have studied?
Compare and contrast the list of things given to the Pandyan chief (Source 3) with those produced in the village of Danguna (source 8). Do you notice any similarities and differences?
Discuss the evidence of craft production in Early Historic cities. In what ways is this different from the evidence from Harappan cities?
To what extent were agricultural practices transformed in the period under consideration?
This is a statement made by one of the best-known epigraphists of the twentieth century, D.C. Sircar: "There is no aspect of life, culture, activities of the Indians that is not reflected in inscriptions."Discuss.
Discuss the main features of the Mauryan administration. Which of these elements are evident in the Asokan inscriptions that you have studied?