
Bhakti-Sufi Tradition


To what extent do you think the architecture of mosques in the subcontinent reflects a combination of universal ideals and local traditions?


With the arrival of Islam in the Medieval ages, the architecture of Islam also came to India. However, the Arab-cum-Islamic architecture got impacted by the local traditions and rites too. Hence, we see a fusion of the two. This can be further elaborated by the examples of architecture mainly the constructions of the mosques of those days.
Some features of the architecture of mosques are universal. All mosques have orientation towards Mecca. This is manifested in the placement of Mehrab and Minar within a mosque. But at the same time we have influences that can be described only as local influences. A 13th Century mosque in Kerala has a shikhar like roof unlike a normal mosque where it is dome. The Shah Hamdan Mosque in Kashmir is made of Kashmiri woods and its facade is like that of a temple. The Atia Mosque in Bangladesh is made of bricks, though its roof is round. Thus, we can see that the architecture of Mosques is that of fusion.


Bhakti-Sufi Tradition

Q 1.

Choose any two of the religious teachers/thinkers/saints mentioned in this chapter, and find out more about their lives and teachings. Prepare a report about the area and the times in which they lived, their major ideas, how do we know about them, and why you think they are important?

Q 2.

Read any five of the sources included in this chapter and discuss the social and religious ideas that are expressed in them.

Q 3.

What were the similarities and differences between the be-shari‘a and ba-shari‘a sufi traditions?

Q 4.

Describe the major teachings of either Kabir or Guru Nanak and the way they have been transmitted. (or)
Explain the teachings of Guru Nanak. Did he want to establish a new religion?

Q 5.

Discuss the ways in which the Alvars, Nayanars and Virashaivas expressed critiques of the caste system.

Q 6.

Examine how and why rulers tried to establish connections with the traditions of the Nayanars and the sufis.

Q 7.

Analyses, illustrations, why bhakti and sufi thinkers adopted a variety of languages in which to express their opinions.

Q 8.

Explain with examples what historians mean by the integration of cults.

Q 9.

To what extent do you think the architecture of mosques in the subcontinent reflects a combination of universal ideals and local traditions?

Q 10.

Discuss the major beliefs and practices that characterised Sufism.

Q 11.

On an outline map of India, plot three major sufi shrines and three places associated with temples (one each of a form of Vishnu, Shiva and the goddess.)