What is the difference between n breed and a species? Give an example for each category.
A group of animals related by descent and similar in most characters like general appearance, features, size, configuration, etc., are said to belong to a breed. Hisardale is a new breed of sheep.
A group of individual that is reproductively isolated from other such group is called species. For examples, Panthera leo (lion) and Mangifera indica are different species.
In animal husbandry, if two closely related animals are mated for a few generations, it results in loss of fertility and vigour. Why is this so?
Define the term stress' for plants. Discuss briefly the two types of stress encountered by plants.
Life style diseases are increasing alarmingly in India. We are also dealing with large scale malnutrition in the population. Is there any method by which we can address both of these problems together?
Plants raised through tissue cultures are clones of the parent' plant. Discuss the utility of these plants.
Name the improved characteristics of wheat that helped India to achieve green revolution.
Can gamma rays used for crop improvement programmes prove to be harmful for health? Discuss.
Discuss natural selection and artificial selection. What are the implications of the latter on the process of evolution?
(a) The shift from grain to meat diets creates more demands for cereals. Why? (b) A250 kg cow produces 200 g of protein per day but 250 g of Methylophillus methylotrophus can produce 25 tonnes of protein. Name this emerging area of research. Explain its benefits.
Would it be wrong to call plants obtained through micropropagation as clones'? Comment.
Millions of chicken were killed in West Bengal, Assam, Orissa and Maharashtra recently, What was the reason?
You are planning to set up a Dairy Farm. Describe the various aspects you would consider before you start the venture.
(a) Mutations are beneficial for plant breeding. Taking an example, justify the statement.
(b) Discuss briefly the technology that made us self-sufficient in food production.
Is there any relationship between dedifferentiation and the higher degree of success achieved in plant tissue culture experiments?
Discuss the importance of testing of new plant varieties in a geographically vast country like India.
In the area of plant breeding, it is important not only to preserve the seeds of the variety being cultivated, but also to preserve all its wild relatives. Explain with a suitable example.
The term desirable trait' can mean different things for different plants.. Justify the statement with suitable examples.
Give me a living cell of any plant and I will give you a thousand plants of the same type". Is this only a slogan or is it scientifically possible? Write your comments and justify them.
It is said, that diseases are spreading faster due to globalisation and increased movement of people. Justify the statement taking the example of H5N1 virus.
How can we improve the success rate of fertilisation during artificial insemination in animal husbandry programmes?
In the area of plant breeding, it is important not only to preserve the seeds of the variety being cultivated, but also to preserve all its wild relatives. Explain with a suitable example.
Find out the various components of the medium 12.used for propagation of an explant in vitro are ?
Modem methods of breeding animals and plants can alleviate the global food shortage'. Comment on the statement and give suitable examples.
A farmer was facing the problem of low yield from his farm. He was advised to keep a beehive in the vicinity. Why? How would the beehive help in enhancing yield?
You are a Botanist working in the area of plant breeding. Describe the various steps that you will undertake to release a new variety.
A person who is allergic to pulses was advised to take a capsule of Spirulina daily. Give the reasons for the advise.
What are the physical barriers of a cell in-the protoplast fusion experiment? How are the barriers overcome?
What are the advantages of tissue culture methods over conventional method of plant breeding in crop improvement programmes?
Discuss how the property of plant cell totipotency has been utilised for plant propagation and improvement