Business Studies

Nature and Purpose of Business


What are various types of industries?


Different types of industries are as follows:
1. Primary Industry: The primary industry includes those activities through which the natural resources are used to provide raw materials to other industries. Primary industries are of two types.

  • Extractive: It refers to those industries under which something is extracted out of the earth, water or air e.g., coal, iron, gas etc.
  • Genetic: It refers to those industries under which the breed of animals and vegetables are improved and made more useful e.g., poultry farms, tree planting etc.

2. Secondary Industry: Under this industry, new products are manufactured by using the previously produced things e.g., producing cotton is a primary industry and manufacturing cloth out of cotton is a secondary industry. It is of two types.

  • Manufacturing: These industries convert raw materials or semi finished products into finished products e.g., paper from bamboo, sugar from sugar cane. It is further being divided into four parts.
  • Analytical: Different things are manufactured out of one thing e.g., petrol, diesel, gasoline out of crude oil.
  • Processing: Those industries wherein useful things are manufactured by making the raw material to pass through different production process e.g., steel from iron ores.
  • Synthetic: Many raw materials are mixed to produce more useful product e.g., paints, cosmetics etc.
  • Assembling: The parts manufactured by different industries are assembled to produce new and useful product e.g., computers, watches etc.
  • Construction Industry: Such types of industries constructions of roads, bridges, buildings etc. are covered.

3. Tertiary or Service Industry: It includes those services which help business to move smoothly e.g. transport, bank, insurance, storage and advertising.


Nature and Purpose of Business

Q 1.

Explain political and legal causes of business risks.

Q 2.

Explain the concept of business.

Q 3.

Can profits be the sole objective of a business? Justify your answer by giving suitable reasons.

Q 4.

What are the functions of commerce?

Q 5.

Define Profession. Discuss its salient features.

Q 6.

"No business is risk free."Do you agree? Justify your answer, mentioning the nature and causes of business risk.

Q 7.

What is business risk? What is its nature?

Q 8.

What are various types of industries?

Q 9.

Explain any two business activities which are auxiliaries to trade.

Q 10.

If you need , to start doing an economic activity to earn livelihood for your family, which one would you like and why?

Q 11.

State the different types of economic activities.

Q 12.

Why is business considered an economic activity?

Q 13.

Explain the characteristics of business.

Q 14.

Explain with examples the various types of industries.

Q 15.

How would you classify business activities?

Q 16.

If one starts a business, which objective will be of utmost importance to you and why?

Q 17.

Define commerce. Discuss its importance in the business world.

Q 18.

What is the role of profit in business?

Q 19.

Compare business with profession and employment.

Q 20.

Why does business need multiple objectives? Explain any five such objectives.

Q 21.

Explain the concept of business risk and its causes.

Q 22.

What are the hindrances in the commerce? Which agencies are used to remove these hindrances?

Q 23.

Distinguish between industry, trade and commerce.

Q 24.

What factors are important to be considered while starting a business? Explain.

Q 25.

Describe the activities relating to commerce.

Q 26.

Compare business with profession and employment.

Q 27.

Distinguish between industry, trade and commerce.

Q 28.

"Risk is the element which makes the business different from other economic activities."Do you agree? Justify your answer.

Q 29.

Explain the economic and social objectives of the business.

Q 30.

"Economic and non-economic activities don't substitute, but complementary to each other."Do you agree? Explain.

Q 31.

What are the functions of commerce?

Q 32.

"Earning of profits is the main objective of a business and other objectives are there to aid it only."Do you agree? Justify your answer.

Q 33.

Differentiate between economic and non-economic activities.

Q 34.

Differentiate between insurable risks and non-insurable risks.