Business Studies

Emerging Modes of Business


Explain various payment mechanisms under e-business.


Various payment mechanisms under e-business are described below:

  • Cash on Delivery: Under this, the payment for goods ordered online may be made in cash at the time of physical delivery of the goods.
  •  Cheque: Another option is that the online vendor may arrange for the pickup of the cheque from the customer's end. Upon realization, goods may be delivered.
  • Net Banking Transfer: These days banks provide facility to the customers for electronic transfer of funds using internet. Therefore, a buyer can also make use of net banking money transfer to pay for the goods ordered.
  •  Credit or Debit Cards: These are also called plastic money. These cards are most popularly used in payment for online transactions. To accept credit card as an online payment type, the seller first needs a secure means of collecting credit card information from its customer. Payments through credit cards can be processed either manually, or through an online authorization system like SSL Certificate.
  •  Digital Cash: It is a kind of electronic currency which exists only in cyberspace. It has no real physical properties, but offers the ability to use real currency in an electronic format. For this the buyer has to deposit cash in bank account which issues equivalent digital cash to the person which can be used for online trading. It is more secure than credit or debit cards.

Emerging Modes of Business

Q 1.

Write a short note on the history of e-commerce.

Q 2.

What is digital divide? How is it relevant in context of e-business?

Q 3.

Explain various payment mechanisms under e-business.

Q 4.

Discuss the salient aspects of B2C commerce.

Q 5.

Explain the measures taken to protect the security and safety of e-transactions.

Q 6.

How does outsourcing represent a new mode of business?

Q 7.

State any three differences between E-business and traditional business.

Q 8.

Hackers lack certain values. Which are these?

Q 9.

Discuss the limitations of electronic mode of doing business. Are these limitations severe enough to restrict its scope? Give reasons for your answer.

Q 10.

Elaborate the steps involved in online trading.

Q 11.

Which values are of utmost importance while we get involved in e-business?

Q 12.

Differentiate between e-commerce and e-business.

Q 13.

Discuss utility of E Commerce in:
(a) Health,
(b) Education,
(c) Governance,

Q 14.

Evaluate the need for outsourcing and discuss its limitations.

Q 15.

Describe briefly the data storage and transmission risks in E-business.

Q 16.

What are the ethical concerns involved in outsourcing?

Q 17.

Describe briefly any two applications of E-business.

Q 18.

Write a short note on the scope of e-business.

Q 19.

Why are E-business and outsourcing referred to as the emerging modes of business? Discuss the factors responsible for the growing importance of these trends.

Q 20.

Show the anatomy of outsourcing.

Q 21.

What are the threats to e-transactions? Which measures have been devised for their protection?

Q 22.

What resources are required for successful implementation of e-business?

Q 23.

"E-commerce is the need of the hour."Comment.

Q 24.

"E-commerce is giving way to paperless society and government is supporting it."  Substantiate.

Q 25.

Differentiate between traditional business and e-business.