
Mineral Nutrition


It is observed that deficiency of a particular element showed its symptoms initially in older leaves and then in younger leaves.
a. Does it indicate that the element is actively mobilised or relatively immobile?
b. Name two elements which are highly mobile and two which are relatively immobile.
c. How is the aspect of mobility of elements important to horticulture and agriculture?


a. It is actively mobilised.
b. Highly mobile nitrogen, magnesium Relatively immobile calcium, boron
c. Symptoms of deficiency of mobile elements are more pronounced in older leaves and symptoms of deficiency of relatively immobile element appear first in younger leaves. This information can be utilised by horticulturist and agriculturist to get a broad idea of the deficiency elements in plants.


Mineral Nutrition

Q 1.

Rice fields produce an important green house gas. Name it.

Q 2.

How are organisms like Pseudomonas and Thiobacillus of great significance in nitrogen cycle?

Q 3.

Yellowish edges appear in leaves deficient in .

Q 4.

Mycorrohiza is a mutualistic association. How do the organisms involved in this association gain from each other?

Q 5.

How is sulphur important for plants? Name the amino acids in which it is present.

Q 6.

Plants with zinc deficiency show reduced biosynthesis of .

Q 7.

Name at least five different deficiency symptoms in plants. Describe them and correlate them with the concerned mineral deficiency.

Q 8.

Name a plant, which accumulates silicon.

Q 9.

Carnivorous plants exhibit nutritional adaptation. Citing an example explain this fact.

Q 10.

How are the minerals absorbed by the plants?

Q 11.

What are essential elements for plants? Give the criteria of essentiality. How are minerals classified depending upon the amount in which they are needed by the plants?

Q 12.

What are the steps involved in formation of a root nodule?

Q 13.

How are the terms critical concentration' and deficient' different from each other in terms of concentration of an essential element in plants? Can you find the values of critical concentration' and deficient' for minerals – Fe and Zn?

Q 14.

A farrper adds/supplies Na, Ca, Mg and Fe regularly to his field and yet he observes that the plants show deficiency of Ca, Mg and Fe. Give a valid reason and suggest a way to help the farmer improve the growth of plants.

Q 15.

Excess of Mn in soil leads to deficiency of Ca, Mg and Fe. Justify.

Q 16.

Which of the following statements are true? If false, correct them.
(a) Boron deficiency leads to stout axis.
(b) Every mineral element that is present in a cell is needed by the cell.
(c) Nitrogen as a nutrient element, is highly immobile in plants.
(d) It is very easy to establish the essentiality of micronutrients because they are required only in trace quantities.

Q 17.

If a plant shows a symptom which could develop due to deficiency of more than one nutrient, how would you find out experimentally, the real deficient mineral element?

Q 18.

Name an insectivorous angiosperm.

Q 19.

Name the macronutrient which is a component of all organic compounds but is not obtained from soil.

Q 20.

A farmer adds Azotobacter culture to soil before sowing maize. Which mineral element is being replenished?

Q 21.

Match the element with its associated functions/roles and choose the correct option among the given below.

A. Boron



Splitting of H20 to liberate 02 during photosynthesis
B. Manganese (ii) Needed for synthesis of auxins
C. Molybdenum (iii) Component of nitrogenase
D. Zinc (iv) Pollen germination
E. Iron (v) Component of ferredoxin

(a) A”(i), B”(ii), C”(iii). D”(iv), E”(v)
(b) A”(iv), B”(i), C”(iii), D”(ii), E”(v)
(c)  A”(iii), B”(ii), C”(iv), D”(v), E”(i)
(d) A”(ii), B”(iii), C”(v), D”(i), E”(iv)

Q 22.

Carnivorous plants like Nepenthes and Venus fly trap have nutritional adaptations. Which nutrient do they especially obtain and from where?

Q 23.

What type of conditions are created by leghaemoglobin in the root nodule of a legume?

Q 24.

Name one non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing prokaryote.

Q 25.

What is common to Nepenthes, Utricularia and Drosera with regard to mode of nutrition?

Q 26.

Why is purification of water and nutrient salts so important in studies involving mineral nutrition using hydroponics?

Q 27.

Explain with examples: macronutrients, micronutrients, beneficial nutrients, toxic elements and essential elements.

Q 28.

Nitrogen fixation is shown by prokaryotes and not eukaryotes. Comment?

Q 29.

We find that Rhizobium forms nodules on the roots of leguminous plants. Also, Frankia another microbe forms nitrogen fixing nodules on the roots of non-leguminous plant Alnus.
a. Can we artificially induce the property of nitrogen fixation in a plant ”leguminous or non-leguminous?
b. What kind of relationship is observed between mycorrihiza and pine trees?
c. Is it necessary for a microbe to be in close association with a plant to provide mineral nutrition? Explain with the help of one example.

Q 30.

Why is it that in certain plants deficiency symptoms appear first in younger parts of the plant while in other they do so in mature organs?

Q 31.

It is observed that deficiency of a particular element showed its symptoms initially in older leaves and then in younger leaves.
a. Does it indicate that the element is actively mobilised or relatively immobile?
b. Name two elements which are highly mobile and two which are relatively immobile.
c. How is the aspect of mobility of elements important to horticulture and agriculture?

Q 32.

Think of a plant which lacks chlorophyll. From where will it obtain nutrition? Give an example of such a type of plant.

Q 33.

We know that plants require nutrients. If we supply these in excess, will it be beneficial to the plants? If yes, how/ If no, why?

Q 34.

What are the conditions necessary for fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by Rhizobiuml What is their role inN2fixation?

Q 35.

Give the biochemical events occurring in the root nodule of a pulse plant. What is the end product? What is its fate?

Q 36.

Name the most crucial enzyme found in root nodules for N2 fixation. Does it require a special pink coloured pigment for its functioning? Elaborate.

Q 37.

Hydroponics have been shown to be a successful technique for growing of plants. Yet most of the crops are still grown on land. Why?

Q 38.

With the help of examples describe the classification of essential elements based on the function they perform.

Q 39.

Trace the events starting from the coming in contact of Rhizobiwn to a leguminous root till nodule formation. Add a note on importance of leghaemoglobin.

Q 40.

All elements that are present in a plant need not be essential to its survival’. Comment.

Q 41.

Carefully observe the following figure:

a. Name the technique shown in the figure and the scientist who demonstrated this technique for the first time.
b. Name at least three plants for which this technique can be employed for their commercial production.
c. What is the significance of aerating tube and feeding funnel in this setup?