
Excretory Products and their Elimination


What is the excretory structure in Amoeba?


Contractile vacuole performs the function of excretion as well as osmoregulation in Amoeba.


Excretory Products and their Elimination

Q 1.

What is the composition of sweat produced by sweat glands?

Q 2.

Fill in the blanks appropriately.
Organ Excretory wastes
(a) Kidneys ______________
(b) Lungs ______________
(c) Liver ______________
(d) Skin ______________

Q 3.

Label the parts in the following diagram.

Q 4.

Mention the substances that exit from the tubules in order to maintain a concentration gradient in the medullary interstitium.

Q 5.

What are the main processes of urine formation?

Q 6.

Explain briefly, micturition and disorders of the excretory system.

Q 7.

Match the items of column I with those of column II.
Column I                                     Column II
(a) Ammonotelism                   (i)Birds
(b) Bowman’s capsule             (ii)Water reabsorption
(c) Micturition                          (iii)Bony fish
(d) Uricotelism                         (iv)Urinary bladder
(e) ADH                                       (v)Renal tubule

Q 8.

Identify the glands that perform the excretory function in prawns.

Q 9.

Fill in the gaps.
(a) Ascending limb of Henle’s loop is________to water whereas the descending limb is________to it.
(b) Reabsorption of water from distal parts of the tubules is facilitated by hormone________
(c) Dialysis fluid contains all the constituents as in plasma except________
(d) A healthy adult human excretes (on an average)________gm of urea/day.

Q 10.

Mention any two metabolic disorders, which can be diagnosed by analysis of urine.

Q 11.

Differentiate glycosuria from ketonuria.

Q 12.

What is the significance of juxta glomerular apparatus (JGA) in kidney function?

Q 13.

Give a brief account of the counter current mechanism.

Q 14.

What is the excretory product from kidneys of reptiles?

Q 15.

What is the role played by renin-angiotensin in the regulation of kidney function?

Q 16.

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false.
(a) Micturition is carried out by a reflex.
(b) ADH helps in water elimination, making the urine hypotonic.
(c) Protein-free fluid is filtered from blood plasma into the Bowman’s capsule.
(d) Henle’s loop plays an important role in concentrating the urine.
(e) Glucose is actively reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule.

Q 17.

Sort the following into actively or passively transported substances during reabsorption of GFR. glucose, aminoacids, nitrogenous wastes, Na+, water

Q 18.

Explain the autoregulatory mechanism of GFR.

Q 19.

Explain, why a haemodialysing unit called artificial kidney?

Q 20.

Comment upon the hormonal regulation of selective reabsorption.

Q 21.

The glomerular filtrate in the loop of Henle gets concentrated in the descending limb and then gets diluted in the ascending limb. Explain.

Q 22.

The composition of glomerular filtrate and urine is not same. Comment.

Q 23.

What is the role of sebaceous glands?

Q 24.

Terrestrial animal saregenerally either ureotelic or uricotelic, not ammonotelic, why?

Q 25.

The following abbreviations are used in the context of excretory functions, what do they stand for?
(a) ANF (b) ADH
(c) GFR (d) DCT

Q 26.

Explain the mechanism of formation of concentrated urine in mammals.

Q 27.

Define Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR).

Q 28.

How does tubular secretion help in maintaining ionic and acid-base balance in body fluids?

Q 29.

What is the excretory structure in Amoeba?

Q 30.

How have the terrestrial organisms adapted themselves for conservation of water?

Q 31.

Explain micturition.

Q 32.

Name the following.
(a) A chordate animal having flame cells as excretory structures.
(b) Cortical portions projecting between the medullary pyramids in the human kidney.
(c) A loop of capillary running parallel to the Henle’s loop.

Q 33.

Name two actively transported substances in glomerular filtrate.

Q 34.

Describe the role of liver, lungs and skin in excretion.

Q 35.

Where does the selective reabsorption of Glomerular filtrate take place?

Q 36.

What is meant by the term osmoregulation?

Q 37.

Describe the structure of a human kidney with the help of a labelled diagram.

Q 38.

Complete the following:
(a) Urinary excretion = Tubular reabsorption +Tubular secretion ________
(b) Dialysis fluid = Plasma ________

Q 39.

What is the procedure advised for the correction of extreme renal failure? Give a brief account of it.

Q 40.

Show the structure of a renal corpuscle with the help of a diagram.

Q 41.

Aquatic animals generally are ammonotelic in nature whereas terrestrial forms are not. Comment.

Q 42.

Draw a labelled diagram showing reabsorption and secretion of major substances at different partsof the nephron.