


"Today Indian farmers are facing a big challenge from international competition."What are the various factors responsible for this situation ?
Why is the growth rate in agriculture decelerating ? [CBSE 2010(F)]


(i) The Indian government is going ahead with reduction in the public investment in the agriculture sector particularly in irrigation, power, rural roads, market and mechanisation.
(ii) Subsidy on fertilisers is decreased leading to increase in the cost of production.
(iii) Reduction in import duties on agricultural products have proved detrimental to agriculture in the country.
(iv) Farmers are withdrawing their investment from agriculture causing a downfall in the employment in agriculture.



Q 1.

Describe various technological and institutional reforms which led to the Green and White Revolution in India. [CBSE Sept. 2012]

Q 2.

Name any three features of Indian agriculture. [CBSE 2013]
What are the factors responsible for the backwardness of Indian agriculture ?
Describe any four features of agriculture in India. [CBSE Sept. 2010]

Q 3.

What is shifting agriculture ? Why shifting agriculture is being discouraged ?

Q 4.

What is intensive farming ? Write some features of intensive farming.[CBSE Sept. 2013]
Why is there enormous pressure on land in Intensive Subsistence Farming ? [CBSE 2013]

Q 5.

Look at the given picture carefully and answer the questions that follow : [CBSE 2009 (O)]
(i) Name the crop shown in the picture.
(ii) State the climatic conditions required for the cultivation of this crop.
(iii) Name the two major regions of growing this crop.

Q 6.

What is plantation agriculture ? Write some features of the plantation agriculture. [CBSE Sept. 2012]
Describe any four characteristics of plantation agriculture. [CBSE Comp. (D) 2008] 

Q 7.

Describe three geographical requirements for maize cultivation – temperature, rainfall and soil. Name three maize producing states of India.[CBSE Sept. 2010]

Q 8.

Explain the climatic conditions required for the production of cotton. Also mention the major cotton producing states of India.

Q 9.

Why is agriculture called the mainstay of Indian economy ?
What is the importance of agriculture in Indian economy ?

Q 10.

Explain the favourable climatic conditions required for the production of rubber. Also mention the states producing rubber. [CBSE Comp. (D) 2008, 2008 (F), Sept. 2010, 2011, 2012]

Q 11.

Explain the favourable geographical conditions required for the production of rice. Also mention the major rice producing states of India. [CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013]

Q 12.

Which states are the leading producers of the following horticultural crops ?
(i) Mangoes
(ii) Bananas
(iii) Grapes
(iv) Apples and Apricots

Q 13.

What type of climate is required for the cultivation of wheat ? Name any four important wheat producing states of India. [CBSE Sept. 2012]

Q 14.

What is primitive (subsistence) farming ? Write any four features of subsistence farming. [CBSE Comp. (O) 2008]
Why is subsistence agriculture still practised in certain parts of the country ? Give four reasons. [CBSE Sept. 2010]

Q 15.

"Today Indian farmers are facing a big challenge from international competition."What are the various factors responsible for this situation ?
Why is the growth rate in agriculture decelerating ? [CBSE 2010(F)]

Q 16.

Describe the temperature and climatic conditions required for the cultivation of sugarcane. Name two leading producers.  [CBSE Comp. 2008,09(D), 2010(0)]
What geographical conditions are required for the cultivation of sugarcane ? Name two largest producing states of sugarcane. [CBSE Sept. 2010]

Q 17.

Name any four oilseeds produced in India. What is their economic importance ?
Name any four oilseeds produced in India. Explain the importance of oilseeds in our day to day life. [CBSE 2012]

Q 18.

Name the most important beverage crop of India. Describe the suitable climatic conditions required for its growth. Also mention the major states producing that crop. [CBSE 2010(0)]
Describe any three geographical conditions required for tea cultivation. Name any two producing states of tea. [CBSE Sept. 2010, 2012]
Name the important beverage crop introduced by the British in India. Explain the geographical conditions needed for its cultivation. Write any two important states where it is grown. [CBSE 2013]
Describe any four ‘ geographical conditions required for the growth of tea. Mention the two major tea producing states of South India. [CBSE 2012]

Q 19.

Which are the two staple food crops of India ? Compare and contrast the climatic and soil requirements of the two. [CBSE Sept. 2013]

Q 20.

Which crop is known as the “golden fibre”? Explain two geographical conditions essential for the cultivation of this crop. Mention any four uses.[CBSE 2012]
What is known as ‘golden fibre’? Where is it grown in India and why ? Describe various uses of this fibre. [CBSE 2012]

Q 21.

Distinguish between :
(i) Dry farming and wet farming.
Write any two features of dry farming/wet farming.
(ii) Rabi and kharif crop.
(iii) Tea and coffee. [CBSE Sept. 2010]

Q 22.

Differentiate between the commercial agriculture and the subsistence agriculture. [CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013]
Write any four characteristics of commercial Agriculture? [CBSE Sept. 2011]

Q 23.

How is the government helping the Indian farmers in increasing their agricultural production ? Explain any four points.
Describe any four reforms brought in the Indian agriculture after independence through the efforts of the Indian government. [CBSE 2010(F), Sept. 2010]
What initiatives have been taken by government to ensure an increase in agricultural production ? [CBSE Sept. 2011]

Q 24.

Compare the geographical conditions required for the production of cotton and jute. [CBSE 2014]