
Popular Struggles and Movements


Explain how the activities of pressure groups are useful in the functioning of a democratic government.


The pressure groups and movements have deepened democracy. Putting pressure on the rulers is not an unhealthy activity in a democracy as long as everyone gets this opportunity. Governments can often come under undue pressure from a small group of rich and powerful people. Public interest groups and movements perform a useful role of countering this undue influence and reminding the government of the needs and concerns of ordinary citizens.


Popular Struggles and Movements

Q 1.

Organizations that undertake activities to promote the interests of specific social sections such as workers, employees, teachers, and lawyers are called__________groups.

Q 2.

What is the difference between a pressure group and a political party?

Q 3.

In what ways do pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics?

Q 4.

Define pressure groups.

Q 5.

Describe the forms of relationship between pressure groups and political parties?

Q 6.

What are Sectional Interest Groups and Public Interest Groups?

Q 7.

What is a pressure group? Give a few examples.

Q 8.

What led to the Movement for Democracy in Nepal in the year 200

Q 9.

Explain how the activities of pressure groups are useful in the functioning of a democratic government.

Q 10.

Write a brief note on the Narmada Bachao Movement.

Q 11.

What were he three demands that were made by the SPA in Nepal?

Q 12.

Write a brief note on Movement Groups and give an example.