
Outcomes of Democracy


Following allegation of killing of three civilians in Gandwara in a fake encounter by Jammu and Kashmir police, an enquiry has been ordered.


a) In this case people were discriminated on the basis of their caste. In a democracy all citizen are equal irrespective of their caste, creed, religion or economic status.
So the democratic government had to take up the challenge of unfair discrimination against the dalits and pass a law to set things right.
b) In this case the government has failed to implement poverty reduction programmes and the welfare of the down- trodden has been neglected. It was poverty and the inability to repay the loans incurred that made the farmers resorted to this desperate act of suicide. The challenge faced by the government is to strengthen local administrations and ensure that the programmes started for the poor are implemented properly and that corruption and neglect does not cause hardship to the citizen.
c) This situation reveals that the government has failed to provide security for all its citizens. In a democracy the government is answerable to its citizens as it is a representative form of government .The challenge the government now faces is to bring justice to the common man. The faith of the people should be restored and the guilty even if they are part of the government should be punished.


Outcomes of Democracy

Q 1.

Following allegation of killing of three civilians in Gandwara in a fake encounter by Jammu and Kashmir police, an enquiry has been ordered.

Q 2.

A democratic government has to be accountable, responsive and legitimate government. Discuss.

Q 3.

In democracy all citizens have one vote, which means that there is absence of any domination and conflict.

Q 4.

What is the basis of democracy and what are its advantages?

Q 5.

Gives reasons why a democratic government is preferred to other forms of governments.

Q 6.

What are the main features of a democracy?

Q 7.

Mention to factors that we have to look for while evaluating democracy in a system?

Q 8.

Compare democracies and non-democratic countries on the basis of economic growth.

Q 9.

What should the government do to lift the poor from the clutches of poverty?

Q 10.

How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?

Q 11.

Mention a few factors that determine the economic growth of a country.

Q 12.

Does dictatorship always lead to higher economic growth?

Q 13.

What are the main features of a democracy?

Q 14.

Write a brief note on the status of women in democratic and non-democratic countries.

Q 15.

Write a brief note on freedom and dignity to citizens in democratic and non- democratic countries.

Q 16.

What are the challenges faced by democratic governments?

Q 17.

What is the basis of democracy and what are its advantages?

Q 18.

What are the conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities?

Q 19.

The prime duty of any democratic government is to reduction inequality in wealth among its citizens and eliminate poverty. Discuss.