
Diversity in Living Organisms

Annelids vs Arthopods

  Annelids Arthropods
1. True body cavity called coelem  Blood filled body cavity called haemocoel.
2.  Lateral appendages for locomotion.  Jointed legs for locomotion
3.  Closed circulatory system  Open circulatory System.
4.  Body is soft, there is no hard skeleton  Hard Exoskeleton made up of chitin
5.  Body is segmented both externally and internally (septa)  e.g. Body is externally divided but not internally by septa.
6.  e.g. Leech, earthworms etc.  e.g. Insects, spiders, prawns etc.

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Diversity in Living Organisms - Notes
1. Monocots vs Dicots
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2. Gymnosperms vs Angiosperm
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3. Thallophytes vs Pteridophytes
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4. Primitive vs Advanced Organisms
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5. Pteridophytes vs Phanerograms
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6. Poriferans vs Coelentrates
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7. Nematoda vs Annelids
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8. Five classes of vertebrates
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9. Annelids vs Arthopods
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10. Five Kingdoms
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