

Noise and Music

We hear different types of sounds around us. Is the sound always pleasing? Does a sound sometimes cause discomfort to you? Some sounds are pleasant to the ear. whereas some are not. Suppose construction work is going on in your neighbourhood. Are the sounds coming from the construction site pleasing? Do you enjoy the sounds produced by horns of buses and trucks? Such unpleasant sounds are called noise. In a classroom, if all the students speak together, what would the sound produced be called? On the other hand you enjoy sounds from musical instruments. Musical sound is one which is pleasing to the ear. Sound produced by a harmonium is a musical sound. The string of a sitar also gives out a musical sound. But. if a musical sound becomes too loud, would it remain melodious?

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Sound - Notes
1. Audible and Inaudible Sounds
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2. We hear Sound through Our Ears
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3. Sound Needs a Medium for Propagation
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4. Noise Pollution
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5. Sound Produced by Humans
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6. Noise and Music
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7. Sound is Produced by a Vibrating Body
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