

What is a Braille System?

The most popular resource for visually challenged persons Is known as Braille.The present system was adopted in 1932. There is Braille code for common languages, mathematics and scientific notation. Many Indian languages can be read using the Braille system.Visually challenged people learn the Braille system by beginning with letters, then special characters and letter combinations. Methods depend upon recognition by touching. Each character has to be memorised. Braille texts can be produced by hand or by machine. TVpe writer - like devices and printing machines have now been developed.

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Light - Notes
1. Care of Eyes
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2. What is inside Our Eyes?
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3. Regular and Diffused Reflection
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4. What is a Braille System?
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5. Laws of Reflection
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6. Multiple Images
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7. What makes Things Visible
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8. Reflected Light Can be Reflected Again
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