
Reproduction in Animals


Differentiate between internal fertilization and external fertilization.


Internal Fertilizatio :-Fusion of male and female gametes inside female body. High chances of survival of offspring, so less number of ova/eggs are produced. Cows. Hens, Human beings (mostly mammals)External Fertilization:-Fusion of male and female gametes outside female body. Low chances of survival, large number of eggs are produced. Examples: Fish. frog, starfish

Reproduction in Animals

Q 1.

Differentiate between internal fertilization and external fertilization.

Q 2.

What is metamorphosis? Give examples.

Q 3.

In which female reproductive organ does the embryo get embedded?

Q 4.

Give two difference between a zygote and a foetus.

Q 5.

Define asexual reproduction. Describe two methods of asexual reproduction in animals.