
Kinship, Caste and Class


Discuss whether kings in early states invariably were Kshatriyas.


As per the Dharmashastra, only Kshatriyas were supposed to be the kings. But it was also to be noted that many important ruling lineages perhaps had different origins. Mauryas were considered Kshatriyas by many people. Some Brahmanical texts described Mauryas as of low origin. The Shungas and Kanvas who were immediate successors of the Mauryas were Brahmanas. In fact those sections of the society controlled the political power which enjoyed support and resources. It did not depend on the question of being bom as Kshatriya. .
There were other rulers like Shakas who came from Central Asia. But the Brahmanas considered them as mlechchhas, barbarians and outsiders. Similarly, Gotami-putra Satkami, the best known ruler of the Satavahana dynasty, became a destroyer of the pride of kshatriyas. This we see that the Satavahanas claimed to be Brahmanas whereas the Brahmanas were of the opinion that the king should be Kshatriyas.


Kinship, Caste and Class

Q 1.

The following is an excerpt from the Mahabharata in which Yudhisthira, the eldest Jandava, speaks to Sanjaya, a messenger:
Try and identify the criteria used to make this list – in terms of age, gender, kinship ties. Are there any other criteria? For each category, explain why they are placed in a particular position in the list.

Q 2.

This is what a famous historian of Indian literature, Maurice Wintemitz, wrote about the Mahabharata: "Just because the Mahabharata represents more of an entire literature…. and contains so many kinds of things….(it) give(s) us an insight into the most profound depths of the soul of the Indian folk."Discuss.

Q 3.

Discuss whether kings in early states invariably were Kshatriyas.

Q 4.

How important were gender differences in early societies? Give reasons for your answer.

Q 5.

In what ways was the Buddhist theory of a social contract different from the Brahmanical view of a society derived from the Purusha Sukta?(VBQ)

Q 6.

Discuss whether the Mahabharata could have been the work of a single author.

Q 7.

Compare and contrast the dharma or norms mentioned in the stories of Drona, Hidimba andMatanga.

Q 8.

Discuss the evidence tliat suggests that Brahmanical prescriptions about kinship and F marriage were not universally followed.

Q 9.

Explain why patriliny may have been particularly important among elite families.