
Organisms and Populations


What is Mycorrhiza?


Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of higher plants.


Organisms and Populations

Q 1.

Why do all the fresh water organisms have contractile vacuoles whereas , majority of marine organisms lack them?

Q 2.

Does light factor affect the distribution of organisms? Write a brief note giving suitable examples of either plants or animals.

Q 3.

What is homeostasis?

Q 4.

List any four characters that are employed in human population census.

Q 5.

What is the interaction between two species called?

Q 6.

What is Mycorrhiza?

Q 7.

In a sea shore, the benthic animals live in sandy, muddy and rocky substrata
and accordingly developed the following adaptations.
a. Burrowing  
b. Building cubes
c. Holdfasts/peduncle
Find the suitable substratum against each adaptation.

Q 8.

Define the following terms and give one example for each:
(a)Commensalism (b)Parasitism
(c)Camouflage (d)Mutualism
(e)Interspecific competition

Q 9.

What is a tree line?

Q 10.

Lianas are vascular plants rooted in the ground and maintain erectness of their stem by making use of other trees for support. They do not maintain direct relation with those trees. Discuss the type of association the lianas have with the trees.

Q 11.

Give an example for:
(a)An endothermic animal
(b)An ectothermic animal
(c)An organism of benthic zone

Q 12.

Which element is responsible for causing soil salinity? At what concentration does the soil become saline?

Q 13.

Comment on the following figures 1, 2 and 3:
A, B, C, D, G, P, Q, R, S are species

Q 14.

What is commensalism?

Q 15.

Species that can tolerate narrow range of temperature are called

Q 16.

A population of Paramoecium caudatum was grown in a culture medium. After 5 days the culture medium became pvercrowded with Paramoecium and had depleted nutrients. What will happen to the population and what type of growth curve will the population attain? Draw the growth curve.

Q 17.

What would be the growth rate pattern, when the resources are unlimited?

Q 18.

What is brood parasitism? Explain with the help of an example.

Q 19.

Emergent land plants that can tolerate the salinities of the sea are called

Q 20.

In an aquarium two herbivorous species of fish are living together and feeding on phytoplanktons. As per the Gause's Principle, one of the species is to be eliminated in due course of time, but both are surviving well in the aquarium. Give possible reasons.

Q 21.

Define zero population growth rate'. Draw an age pyramid for the same.

Q 22.

List any three important characteristics of a population and explain.

Q 23.

What are the organisms that feed on plant sap and other plant parts called?

Q 24.

Write a short note on
(a)Adaptations of desert plants and animals
(b)Adaptations of plants to water scarcity
(c)Behavioural adaptations in animals
(d)Importance of light to plants
(e)Effect of temperature or water scarcity and the adaptations of animals.

Q 25.

What are Eurythermic species?

Q 26.

What is diapause and its significance?

Q 27.

Why do submerged plants receive weaker illumination than exposed floating plants in a lake?

Q 28.

Why do high altitude areas have brighter sunlight and lower temperatures as compared to the plains?

Q 29.

What is high altitude sickness? Write its symptoms.

Q 30.

Define ectoparasite and endoparasite, and give suitable examples.

Q 31.

In an association of two animal species, one is a termite which feeds on wood and the other is a protozoan Trichonympha present in the gut of the termite. What type of association they establish?

Q 32.

The density of a population in a habitat per unit area is measured in different units. Write the unit of measurement against the following:
a. Bacteria …………..
b. Banyan …………..
c. Deer …………..
d. Fish …………..

Q 33.

In an association of two animal species, one is a termite which feeds on wood and the other is a protozoan Trichonympha present in the gut of the termite. What type of association they establish?

Q 34.

The following diagrams are the age pyramids of different populations. Comment on the status of these populations.

Q 35.

How is diapause different from hibernation?

Q 36.

An orchid plant is growing on the branch of mango tree. How do you describe this interaction between the orchid and the mango tree?

Q 37.

Give a suitable example for commensalism.

Q 38.

Define phenotypic adaptation. Give one example.

Q 39.

Fill in the blanks:

Q 40.

List the various abiotic environmental factors.

Q 41.

Categorise the following plants into hydrophytes, halophytes, mesophytes and xerophytes. Give reasons for your answers.
a. Salvinia b. Opuntia
c. Rhizophora d. Mangifera

Q 42.

Observe the set of 4 figures A, B, C and D, and answer the following questions: •
(i) Which one of the figures shows mutualism?
(ii) What kind of association is shown in D?
(iii) Name the organisms and the association in C.
(iv) What role is the insect performing in B?

Q 43.

While living in and on the host species, the animal parasite has evolved certain adaptations. Describe these adaptations with examples.

Q 44.

What is the ecological principle behind the biological control method of managing with pest insects?

Q 45.

a. Label the three tiers 1, 2, 3 given in the above age pyramid.
b. What type of population growth is represented by the above age pyramid?

Q 46.

Comment on the growth curve given below.

Q 47.

Name important defence mechanisms in plants against herbivory.

Q 48.

Species that can tolerate wide range of salinity are called .

Q 49.

Why are coral reefs not found in the regions from. West Bengal to Andhra Pradesh but are found in Tamil Nadu and on the east coast of India?

Q 50.

In a pond, we see plants which are free-floating; rooted-submerged; footed emergent; rooted with floating leaves. Write the type of plants against each of them.