
Vedic Maths

Multiplying two selected 3 digit numbers middle digit 1

    1.Select a 3-digit number with a middle digit of 1.
    2.Choose a multiplier with the same first two digits, whose third digit sums to 10 with the third digit of the first 3-digit number.
    3.The last two digits will be the product of the first digits:___ ___OX or__ ____ ____ ___XX.
    4.The third digit from the right will be 2:__ __2___ ___or___ __ __2____ ____.
    5.The next digit to the left will be 3 times the first digit of the number (keep carry):_X_________or_______X________.
    6.The first digits will be the square of the first digit plus the carry: X______ ____or XX______ _______.

As you determine the digits in the answer from right to left, repeat them to yourself at each step until you have the whole answer.

  • Example:

      1.If the first number is 814, choose 816 as the second number (same first digits,second digits add to 10).
      2.4 x 6 = 24 (multiply the first digits) - last two digits:2 4.
      3.The third digit from the right is 2:__ ___ ___ __2__ __ _.
      4.8 x 3 = 24 (the next digit to the left is 3 times the first digit (keep carry 2):_4 _
      5.8x8 = 64; 64 + 2 = 66 ( the first digits are the square of the first digit plus the carry:6 6______ _____,
      6.So 814 x 816 = 664224.

  • See the pattern?

      1.If the first number is 317, choose 313 as the multiplier (same first digits, second digits add to 10).
      2.7 x 3 = 21 (multiply the first digits) - last two digits: 2 1.
      3.The third digit from the right is 2:___ ___ ____2__ ___.
      4.3x3 = 9 (the next digit to the left is 3 times the first digit (no carry): _ 9____ _____ _____ ___ __.
      5.3x3= 9 (the first digits are the square of the first digit: 9_.
      6.So 317 x313 = 99221.

  • --- >>>


    Vedic Maths - Notes
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    5. Squaring numbers in the 200s
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    6. Multiplying two selected 3 digit numbers middle digit 0
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    7. 50 Kilos to pounds
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    8. Multiplying two 2 digit numbers difference of 6
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    9. Square 2 Digit Number with up down Method
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    10. Squaring a 2 digit number ending in 5
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    11. The Squaring of Numbers Ending in 5
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    12. will you find square of 257
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    13. Multiply any two digit number with 11
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    14. Multiplying two selected 3 digit numbers middle digit 1
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    15. Squaring numbers made up of 1s
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    16. Squaring a 2 digit number ending in 3
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    17. Calculating the sum of two numbers
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    18. Is 456138 divisible by 9
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    19. Squaring a 2 digit number ending in 2
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    20. Squaring a 2digit number ending in 8
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    21. Digital Sums For Multiplication By Eleven
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    22. Multiplying two 2 digit numbers same 2nd digit
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    23. Multiplying two 2 digit numbers difference of 3
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    24. Simple Tricks to multiply
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    25. Multiplication of two numbers around 100 is even easier than you could ever imagine
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    26. Squaring a 2 digit number beginning with 1
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    27. find square of a number between 50 and 60
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    28. Multiplying two 2 digit numbers difference of 1
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    29. How will you multiply 29 to 99
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    30. Squaring a 2 digit number ending in 4
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    31. Multiplying two 2 digit numbers same 1st digit 2nd digits sum to 10
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    32. Easy Multiplication trick
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    33. Lets add 1 hr and 35 minutes and 3 hr 55 minutes together
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    35. Multiply any two numbers from 11 to 20 in your head Take 15 x 13
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    36. xy as two digit number
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    37. Squaring a 2 digit number beginning with 9
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    43. To find Square of 3 digit Number
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    44. How will you square up 126
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    45. Squaring a 2 digit number ending in 6
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    48. Square any two digit number.
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