
Stars and the Solar System

Uranus and Neptune

These are the outermost planets of the solar system. They can be seen only with the help of large telescopes. Like Venus, Uranus also rotates from east to west. The most remarkable feature of Uranus is that it has highly tilted rotational axis. As a result, in its orbital motion it appears to roll on its side. The first four planets, Mercury. Venus. Earth and Mars are much nearer the Sun than the other four planets. They are called the inner planets. The inner planets have very few moons. The planets outside the orbit of Mars, namely Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are much farther off than the inner planets. They are called the outer planets. They have a ring system around them. The outer planets have large number of moons.

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Stars and the Solar System - Notes
1. Mars Mangal
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2. Meteors and Meteorites
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3. The Earth
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4. The Moon
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5. Comets
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6. Uranus and Neptune
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7. The Solar System
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8. The Stars
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9. The Planets
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10. Jupiter Brihaspati
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11. Constellations
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12. Saturn Shani
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13. The Moon Surface
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14. Artificial Satellites
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15. Some Other Members of the Solar System
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