
Pollution of Air and Water

How does Water Get Polluted

Ganga is one of the most famous rivers of India. It sustains most of the northern, central and eastern Indian population. Millions of people depend on it for their dally needs and livelihood. owever, recently a study by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) found that Ganga Is one of the ten most endangered rivers In the world. The pollution levels have been rising for many years. We have reached tills stage because the towns and cities, through which the river flows, throw large quantities of garbage, untreated sewage, dead bodies, and many other harmful things, directly Into the river. In fact the river Is “dead" at many places where the pollution levels are so high that aquatic life cannot survive. An ambitious plan to save the river, called the Ganga Action Plan was launched in 1985. It aimed to reduce the pollution levels in the river. However, the increasing population and industrialisation have already damaged tills mighty river beyond repair.

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Pollution of Air and Water - Notes
1. How does Water Get Polluted
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2. What can be Done
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3. What can we do to reduce air pollution?
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4. What is Potable Water and How is Water Purified
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5. Water Pollution
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6. Air Pollution
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7. Greenhouse Effect
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8. How does Air Get Polluted
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9. The Taj Mahal - Effect of Air and Water Pollution
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10. Case Study The Taj Mahal
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