Food Preservation-1

Question 1
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 50%
Cereals are a major source of carbohydrates.
Cereals are a major source of carbohydrates, although, they provide fats, proteins and some vitamins also.
Question 2
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 50%
Statement 1: Nuts can be classified as high-fat, high-protein and high-carbohydrate.
True, False
True, True
False, False
False, True
Cashew nuts come under the high-fat category.
Question 3
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 50%
Choose the true statement.
Food storage and preservation is observed to be better/easier in parts of the world that have civilizations prevalent there
Proteins are held in an emulsion state in a water system
Fats are in colloidal state
All of the mentioned
Proteins are held in a colloidal state in a water system. Fats are an emulsion.
Question 4
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 50%
Which of the following statement with respect to food preservation is true?
Leafy vegetables perish fast due to their high moisture content
Cereals have the highest requirements of moisture and soil types
Cereal can be grown with less labour and yield of food is high
All of the mentioned
All of the mentioned statements with respect to food preservation are true.
Question 5
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 50%
Cereals are the major source of food in the world.
Cereals are the major source of food in the world.
Question 6
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 50%
Statement 1: Foods of plant origin can be used as additives for food preservation.
True, False
True, True
False, False
False, True
Both the statements pertaining to food preservation are true.
Question 7
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 50%
Which of the following sentence is true with respect to food storage/preservation?
Each food type has a potential storage life
The mechanical abuse that food has received during storage/distribution does not affects its storage stability
All of the mentioned
None of the mentioned
Both of the mentioned sentences are true with respect to food storage/preservation.
Question 8
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 50%
Statement 1: Majority of the fish have more proteins than water.
True, False
True, True
False, False
False, True
Whole milk has slightly more water than fat.
Question 9
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 50%
Which of the following is a factor that affects the storage stability of food?
Type of raw material used
Quality of raw material used
Method/effectiveness of packaging
All of the mentioned
All of the above mentioned factors are true. They all affect the storage stability of food.
Question 10
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 50%
Statement 1: Are almonds high-fat or high-protein nuts?
High-fat, False
High-fat, True
High-protein, False
High-protein, True
Almonds are high-protein nuts. Tiny water globules in fat are called butter.