include '../config.php';
$title = "Places Atlas Game | Questions and Answers on the Mobile | Competitive Exams";
$description = "Game on Country, City Names. GK Quiz Questions and Answers on the Mobile, Online Exams, Competitive Exams";
include '../header.php' ?>
Places Atlas Game
Name Places by the last alphabet.
if (isset($_POST['c_my'])) { $c_my = ucfirst(trim($_POST['c_my'])); }
if (isset($_POST['next_cc'])) { $next_cc = $_POST['next_cc']; }
if (isset($_POST['last_cc'])) { $last_cc = $_POST['last_cc']; }
$last_cc = stripslashes($last_cc);
if ($c_my != '')
$s_check=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as ch1 FROM ss_atlas_game where c_name = '".$c_my."' and c_name REGEXP '^". $next_cc ."' and c_name not in ('' ".$last_cc.")",$link);
$ch1 = $s_check1['ch1'];
if ( $ch1 > 0) {
$my_ans = 'Correct';
$new_cc = substr($c_my, -1);
$last_cc = $last_cc . ", '" . $c_my . "'";
$correct_ans = $correct_ans +1;
} else {
$my_ans = 'Wrong';
$wrong_ans = $wrong_ans +1;
if (strpos($last_cc, $c_my) !== false) { $ch2 = 1; }
else {
$s_dupli=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as ch3 FROM ss_atlas_game where c_name = '".$c_my."' ",$link);
$ch3 = $s_dupli1['ch3'];
if ($ch3 == 0) {
$update_qr = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ss_atlas_game_wrong (c_name) VALUES ('".trim($c_my)."') ",$link);
//Next Country
$s_cico=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ss_atlas_game where c_name REGEXP '^". $new_cc ."' and c_name not in ('' ".$last_cc.") order by rand() limit 1",$link);
$c_name =$s_cico1['c_name'];
$next_cc = substr($c_name, -1);
$last_cc = $last_cc . ", '" . $c_name . "'";
if ($c_my != '') { ?>
Your Answer is .
if ($ch2 > 0) { ?>
Ooppps... It's already used.
} ?>
Correct :
Wrong :

I am
Amber, Play
Places Atlas Game with me. You Can't beat me, It's a Challenge ...
if ($my_ans == 'Correct') { ?>
My reply to your correct answer is :
} else if ($my_ans == 'Wrong') { ?>
Your answer was wrong, So here is another choice :
} else { ?>
Lets START, here is my choice :
You name a Places starting with letter '
include '../footer.php'; ?>