
Diversity in Living Organisms


Write two important characteristics of sponges ?


Important characteristics of sponges are:

  1. simplest multi-cellular animals.
  2. most of them are marine except spongilla which is fresh water.
  3. non-motile and attached to support
  4. organisms with holes or ‘pores’, all over the body with canal systems.
  5. canal system of the body helps in circulating water throughout the body to bring in food andoxygen.
  6. animals are covered with a hard outside layer or skeleton.
  7. body design involves very minimal differentiation and division into tissues.

Diversity in Living Organisms

Q 1.

Give examples of Arthropod animals.

Q 2.

On what bases are plants and animals put into different categories?

Q 3.

Write the name of the group of plants, which produces seeds, but not fruits.

Q 4.

Commonly called flatworm, bilateral symmetrical, acoelomates are the features of which animal division?

Q 5.

(a) What are saprophytes?
(b) Name the kingdom to which they belong.
(c) What is the cell wall of fungi made up of?

Q 6.

Name the kingdom which includes the simplest form of eukaryotes.

Q 7.

Woese introduced by dividing the Monera kingdom into two sub-kingdoms. Name the two?

Q 8.

What is the main basis of differentiation between vertebrates and non-vertebrates?

Q 9.

Name five countries that lie in the region of megadiversity.

Q 10.

What is the criterion for classification of organisms as belonging to kingdom Monera or Protista?

Q 11.

How Angiosperms are divided further?

Q 12.

Name a parasitic disease caused by members of Nematoda.

Q 13.

Identify the plant groups which has net like veins in leaves, flower parts in group of fours or fives, vascular bundles are in a ring and two seed leaves.

Q 14.

Give two examples of Bryophyta plants?

Q 15.

Minimal body design, have holes which lead to canal system that helps in circulating water, marine habitat. Which division of Animalia it refers to?

Q 16.

Filarial worms, (Ascaris)round worms, (Wuchereria)pin worms belong to which group of animalia?

Q 17.

Give three examples of Protochordata animals.

Q 18.

Ambibian heart is divided into how many chambers?

Q 19.

Name a reptile which has four chambered heart.

Q 20.

Give three examples of flightless birds.

Q 21.

Why are Thallophytes called non-embryonic plants?

Q 22.

List important characteristics (at least three) of bryophytes.

Q 23.

How are pteridophytes different from the phanerogams?

Q 24.

Which animal phylum is commonly called as flatworms?

Q 25.

Which phylum is commonly called roundworms or pinworms?

Q 26.

What is the most striking feature of phylum Arthropoda?

Q 27.

How do annelid animals differ from arthropods?

Q 28.

What kind of circulatory system is found in animals from Mollusca phylum?

Q 29.

Name the phylum to which Start fish and Sea urchin belong to?

Q 30.

What is a notochord? What does it do?

Q 31.

Name a symbiotic life form that grows on the bark of a tree as large, coloured patches.

Q 32.

Who introduced the system of scientific nomenclature of organisms?

Q 33.

Name the simplest of plants that do not have a well-differentiated body design.

Q 34.

Amar, Ujala and Anara wrote the scientic name of mango as follows. Who wrote it correctly.
Amar - Mangifera Indica
Ujala - Mangifera indica
Anara - mangifera indica

Q 35.

Identify the division of Plantae having following characteristics:
i. Seeds not enclosed within fruit.
ii. Flowers represented as cones (unisexual)
iii. Ovules not located in ovary.

Q 36.

Hydra, Jelly Fish, corals belog to which group of animals?

Q 37.

Give three examples of animals belong to Echinodermata

Q 38.

No scales on skin, mucus glands on skin, three chambered heart, respiration through gills, lungs and skin, oviparous, live on land and in water. Name the group of these vertebrates.

Q 39.

Give three examples of Amphibians.

Q 40.

Four Chambered heart, mostly viviparous, skin covered with hairs, skin contains sweat and oil glands, four chambered heart. Which category of vertebrates are we talking about?

Q 41.

What do you mean by biodiversity?

Q 42.

Why do we classify organisms?

Q 43.

Why is there a need for classification and systematic naming of living organisms?

Q 44.

Give three examples of the range of variations that you see in lifeforms around you.

Q 45.

Define Taxon.

Q 46.

Name the book written by Carolus Linnaeus on the classification of organisms.

Q 47.

In how many kingdoms Carolus Linnaeus diving living beings?

Q 48.

Name the levels of classification proposed by Linnaeus. What happens to similarities among organisms as we go from top to bottom level?

Q 49.

Name the scientist who created the third kingdom for all microscopic unicellular organisms. What did he call it?

Q 50.

Explain the basis for grouping organisms into five kingdoms.