Geotechnical Engineering

Effect of Water Table on Bearing Capacity

Question 1
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 100%
The equation Nc = (Nq – 1) cot φ, have been adopted by ___________
Terzaghi and Peck
All of the mentioned
The two equations Nc = (Nq – 1) cot φ and Nq = tan2 (45 + φ/2) ex tan φ have been adopted by i) Terzaghi and Peck ii) Hansen iii) Vesic iv) Meyerhof and Bureau of Indian standards.
Question 2
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Pass Ratio : 100%
Meyerhof’s extended the analysis of plastic equilibrium of a surface footing to __________
Shallow foundation and Deep foundation
Inclined foundation
None of the mentioned
All of the mentioned
M Meyerhof’s extended the analysis of plastic equilibrium of a surface footing to Shallow and Deep foundation according to both Terzaghi and Meyerhof analysis.
Question 3
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Pass Ratio : 100%
The value of Nc and Nq are same for, which of the following methods?
All of the mentioned
The value of Nc and Nq are same for Meyerhof, Hansen and Vesic method, while subscripts for Nγ identify the author, i.e. N γ(H) = valued by Hansen etc.
Question 4
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Pass Ratio : 100%
In the Bowl’s method for finding the effect of water table, which of the following factor is used for soil in the wedge zone?
Water reduction factor
Effective unit weight
Overburden pressure
Average unit weight
In the third method (Bowles, 1988), no water reduction factor is used, but effective unit weight (γe) is used for the soil in the wedge zone.
Question 5
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Pass Ratio : 100%
Which of the following is an essential difference between Vesic’s and Hansen’s procedure?
Different values of Nγ and Variation on some of Hansen inclination
Different value of Nq and Nc
None of the mentioned
All of the mentioned
The essential difference in Vesic’s and Hansen’s procedure are i) use of slightly different values of Ny and ii) a variation on some of Hansen’s inclination, base and ground factors.
Question 6
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Pass Ratio : 100%
The factor N γ(M) identifies which of the following author?
The factor N γ(M) gives values by Meyerhof, as it has the subscript (M) in it.
Question 7
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Pass Ratio : 100%
Which of the following N factors has the widest range of values?
All of the mentioned
The Nγ factor has the widest suggested range of any value of N factors. A literature value reveals that for φ = 40°, 38≤ Nγ≤192.
Question 8
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Pass Ratio : 100%
Which of the following equation has been recommended by Indian standard for finding reduction factor in water table?
R w = 0.5 (1 + z w2/B)
R w = (1 + z w2/B)
R w = c Nc + σ̅. Nq + 0.5γBNγ
R w = z w2 / B
Rw =Rw2 = 5 (1 + z w2 / B) has been recommended by Indian standard at a depth D1 below the ground level.
Question 9
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Pass Ratio : 100%
When the water table is above the base of the footing, the submerged weight ‘γ’ can be used to compute __________
Effective pressure and Surcharge
Pore pressure
None of the mentioned
All of the mentioned
When the water table is above the base of the footing, the submerged weight ‘γ’ should be used for the soil below the water table for computing the effective pressure or the surcharge.
Question 10
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Pass Ratio : 100%
Which of the following term does not contribute to q f?
All of the mentioned
The Nγ term does not contribute significantly to qf so that almost any reasonable value can be used. Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) recommends using the value of Nγ, given by Vesic.