Digital Signal Processing

Structures for FIR Systems

Question 1
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Pass Ratio : 100%
What are the lattice coefficients corresponding to the FIR filter with system function H(z)= 1+(13/24)z-1+(5/8)z-2+(1/3)z-3?
None of the mentioned
Given the system function of the FIR filter is
Question 2
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Pass Ratio : 100%
Which of the following is an method for implementing an FIR system?
Direct form
Cascade form
Lattice structure
All of the mentioned
There are several structures for implementing an FIR system, beginning with the simplest structure, called the direct form. There are several other methods like cascade form realization, frequency sampling realization and lattice realization which are used for implementing and FIR system.
Question 3
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Pass Ratio : 100%
The FIR filter whose direct form structure is as shown below is a prediction error filter.
The FIR structure shown in the above figure is intimately related with the topic of linear prediction. Thus the top filter structure shown in the above figure is called a prediction error filter.
Question 4
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Pass Ratio : 100%
If a three stage lattice filter with coefficients K1=1/4, K2=1/2 K3=1/3, then what are the FIR filter coefficients for the direct form structure?
We get the output from the third stage lattice filter as
Question 5
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Pass Ratio : 100%
By combining two pairs of poles to form a fourth order filter section, by what factor we have reduced the number of multiplications?
We have to do 3 multiplications for every second order equation. So, we have to do 6 multiplications if we combine two second order equations and we have to perform 3 multiplications by directly calculating the fourth order equation. Thus the number of multiplications are reduced by a factor of 50%.
Question 6
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Pass Ratio : 100%
What is the condition of M, if the structure according to the direct form is as follows?
M even
M odd
All values of M
Doesn’t depend on value of M
When the FIR system has linear phase, the unit sample response of the system satisfies either the symmetry or asymmetry condition, h(n)=±h(M-1-n)
Question 7
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Pass Ratio : 100%
The direct form realization is often called a transversal or tapped-delay-line filter.
The structure of the direct form realization, resembles a tapped delay line or a transversal system.
Question 8
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Pass Ratio : 100%
The desired frequency response is specified at a set of equally spaced frequencies defined by the equation?
None of the mentioned
To derive the frequency sampling structure, we specify the desired frequency response at a set of equally spaced frequencies, namely ωk=\\(\\frac{2\\pi}{M}\\)(k+α), k=0,1…(M-1)/2 for M odd
Question 9
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Pass Ratio : 100%
How many memory locations are used for storage of the output point of a sequence of length M in direct form realization?
None of the mentioned
The direct form realization follows immediately from the non-recursive difference equation given by y(n)=\\(\\sum_{k=0}^{M-1}b_k x(n-k)\\).
Question 10
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Pass Ratio : 100%
What is the general system function of an FIR system?
\\(\\sum_{k=0}^{M-1}b_k x(n-k)\\)
\\(\\sum_{k=0}^M b_k z^{-k}\\)
\\(\\sum_{k=0}^{M-1}b_k z^{-k}\\)
None of the mentioned
We know that the difference equation of an FIR system is given by y(n)=\\(\\sum_{k=0}^{M-1}b_k x(n-k)\\).