CLI and Git Workflow

Question 1
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 100%
Point out the wrong statement.
Command is the CLI command which does a specific task
There is one and only flag for every command in CLI
Flags are the options given to command for activating particular behaviour
All of the mentioned
Depending on the command, there can be zero or more flags and arguments.
Question 2
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 100%
Point out the correct statement.
You don’t need GitHub to use Git
CLI can help you to organize files and folders
Navigation of directory is possible using CLI
None of the mentioned
CLI stands for Command Line Interface.
Question 3
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 100%
Which of the following web hosting service use Git control system?
Open Hash
Git Bash
None of the mentioned
GitHub is a Web-based Git repository hosting service, which offers all of the distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git.
Question 4
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 100%
Which of the following command line environment is used for interacting with Git?
Git Bash
Git Boot
All of the mentioned
Git for Windows provides a BASH emulation used to run Git from the command line.
Question 5
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 100%
Which of the following is not a CLI command?
none of the mentioned
rm can be used to remove files and directories.
Question 6
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 100%
Which of the following command is used to squash the commits?
all of the mentioned
In Git, there are two main ways to integrate changes from one branch into another: the merge and the rebase.
Question 7
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 100%
cp command can be used to copy the content of directories.
-r flag should be used for copying the content.
Question 8
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 100%
Which of the following statement would create branch named as ‘sanfoundry’?
git checkout -b sanfoundry
git checkout -c sanfoundry
git check -b sanfoundry
none of the mentioned
A branch in Git is simply a lightweight movable pointer to one of these commits.
Question 9
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 100%
Which of the following is the correct way of creating GitHub repository in to well labelled commits?
Fork another user’s repository
Pop another user’s repository
Zip another user’s repository
None of the mentioned
A fork is a copy of a repository.
Question 10
Marks : +2 | -2
Pass Ratio : 100%
Point out the correct statement.
CLI can help you to organize messages
CLI can help you to organize files and folders
Navigation of directory is possible using CLI
None of the mentioned
CLI stands for Command Line Interface.